Implementing GDPR Compliant Cookie Banner with Consent Mode in Next.js 13 using Google Analytics

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Google Analytics for Next.js 13: Consent Mode with GDPR Compliant Cookie Banner

Google Analytics for Next.js 13: Consent Mode with GDPR Compliant Cookie Banner

Next.js 13 has introduced a new feature called Consent Mode, which allows you to control how Google Analytics uses cookies and processes personal data. This is particularly important for websites that are subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other privacy laws.

With Consent Mode, you can implement a GDPR compliant cookie banner on your Next.js 13 website to obtain user consent before setting any cookies for Google Analytics. This ensures that you are transparent and respectful of your users’ privacy rights.

To implement Consent Mode with a GDPR compliant cookie banner in Next.js 13, follow these steps:

  1. Install the next-optimized-google-analytics package using npm or yarn:
            npm install next-optimized-google-analytics
  1. Create a new file called _document.js in the /pages directory of your Next.js 13 project. This file will be used to customize the HTML document for your Next.js application.
            import Document, { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document';
            import Script from 'next-optimized-google-analytics';

            class MyDocument extends Document {
                render() {
                    return (