
Implementing Laravel Sanctum for Authentication (Login, Logout) with React JS

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Laravel Sanctum With React JS Authentication

Laravel Sanctum With React JS Authentication

Laravel Sanctum is a simple package for adding authentication to your Laravel API. Combined with React JS, you can create a powerful and secure authentication system for your web application.


To implement login functionality with Laravel Sanctum and React JS, you can use the following steps:

  1. Create a login form in your React JS component with fields for email and password.
  2. Submit the form data to your Laravel API endpoint using an HTTP request (e.g., Axios).
  3. On the Laravel side, use the Sanctum authentication middleware to validate the user’s credentials and issue an API token if the login is successful.
  4. Store the API token in the browser’s local storage or session storage to keep the user logged in.


To implement logout functionality with Laravel Sanctum and React JS, you can use the following steps:

  1. Create a logout button in your React JS component to trigger the logout process.
  2. Send a request to your Laravel API endpoint to revoke the user’s API token and invalidate the session.
  3. Remove the API token from the browser’s local storage or session storage to log the user out.

By combining Laravel Sanctum with React JS, you can easily implement a secure authentication system for your web application. This allows users to login and logout with ease while ensuring that their data is protected.