
Implementing NGRX and Material UI Progress Spinner in Angular for Loading spinner

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Loading spinner in angular with NGRX | Material UI Progress spinner implementation

Loading spinner in Angular with NGRX and Material UI Progress spinner implementation

Angular is a popular front-end framework that allows developers to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces. One common feature in web applications is a loading spinner, which indicates to the user that a process is in progress. In this article, we will explore how to implement a loading spinner in Angular using NGRX and Material UI’s progress spinner component.

NGRX for state management

NGRX is a state management library for Angular that helps developers manage and update application state in a predictable and consistent manner. It uses the Redux pattern and provides tools for managing state, handling side effects, and interacting with the Angular framework. NGRX is commonly used in complex applications to manage state changes and ensure that components are always up to date with the latest data.

Implementing a loading spinner with NGRX

To implement a loading spinner with NGRX, we first need to define a loading state in our application’s store. This state will indicate whether a process is in progress and whether a loading spinner should be displayed to the user. We can create an action and reducer to update the loading state based on different events and processes in our application.

For example, when a user makes a request to fetch data from an API, we can dispatch an action to indicate that the request is in progress. Once the data is fetched, we can dispatch another action to update the loading state and stop the loading spinner. Components in the application can then subscribe to the loading state and display the loading spinner when the state is true.

Material UI Progress spinner

Material UI is a popular library of pre-built components for React and Angular applications. It provides a set of ready-to-use UI components that follow Google’s Material Design principles. One of the components provided by Material UI is the progress spinner, which can be used to display a loading indicator to the user.

To use the Material UI progress spinner in an Angular application, we can simply import the component from the Material UI library and add it to our HTML template. The spinner can be easily customized with different styles and animations to match the look and feel of the application.


Implementing a loading spinner in an Angular application with NGRX and Material UI’s progress spinner component can help provide a better user experience by indicating when processes are in progress and keeping the user informed. By managing the loading state with NGRX and using the progress spinner component from Material UI, developers can easily add loading indicators to their applications and ensure a consistent and intuitive user interface.

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Vijay Kumar
7 months ago

Good one