Implementing Secure Image Upload and Viewing in Node.js and MongoDB

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Securely upload and view image in Node JS and Mongo DB

Securely upload and view image in Node JS and Mongo DB

Node.js is a powerful server-side platform for building web applications, and MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database. In this article, we will discuss how to securely upload and view images in a Node.js application using MongoDB as the database.

Securely Uploading Images

When allowing users to upload images to your application, security is a top concern. You should always validate and sanitize user input to prevent any security vulnerabilities. One way to do this is to use a package like Multer to handle the file upload process in Node.js. Multer provides a flexible and easy-to-use middleware for handling multipart/form-data, which is commonly used for uploading files.

When a user uploads an image, Multer will take care of storing the file on the server and providing metadata about the file, such as the original filename, mimetype, and size. You can then store this metadata in your MongoDB database, along with a secure reference to the actual image file.

Viewing Images from MongoDB

Once the images are securely stored in MongoDB, you can retrieve and display them in your application. To do this, you will need to use a package like Mongoose to connect to your MongoDB database and retrieve the image metadata.

When a user requests to view an image, you can use Mongoose to retrieve the metadata from MongoDB and then load the actual image file from the server. You can then securely serve the image to the user through your Node.js application.


Securely uploading and viewing images in a Node.js application using MongoDB is a crucial feature for many web applications. By utilizing packages like Multer and Mongoose, you can ensure that your image upload and display functionality is secure and efficient.

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6 months ago

Great Content, But is there any chance to use SQL instead of MongoDB

6 months ago

long time no see a video,

always informative and nice content !