
Implementing secure JWT authentication on the edge with NextJS middleware.

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Securely using JWT on the Edge: Authentication in NextJS Middleware

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a popular way to securely transmit information between parties. In web development, JWTs are commonly used for authentication and authorization. While using JWT is a great way to secure your application, it’s important to ensure that they are used securely on the edge, particularly when implementing authentication in NextJS middleware.

NextJS is a popular framework for building server-side rendered React applications. It allows for easy creation of API routes and middleware, making it a powerful tool for building secure web applications. When implementing authentication in NextJS middleware, it’s important to ensure that JWTs are used securely to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.

One of the key considerations when using JWT on the edge is ensuring that they are securely transmitted and stored. This means using HTTPS to encrypt the communication between the client and server, and ensuring that JWTs are stored securely on the client side to prevent unauthorized access.

Another important consideration is verifying the authenticity of the JWT. This can be done using a JWT library, such as jsonwebtoken, to decode and verify the token. It’s important to ensure that the token is signed with a secure algorithm and that the signature is validated before allowing access to protected routes or resources.

When implementing authentication in NextJS middleware, it’s important to only allow access to protected routes or resources when a valid JWT is present. This can be done by validating the JWT in the middleware and either allowing or denying access based on the validity of the token.

It’s also important to consider the expiration of JWTs and implement token refresh mechanisms to ensure that users are not logged out unexpectedly. This can be done by including an expiration time in the JWT payload and providing a mechanism for the client to request a new token when the current token is about to expire.

Overall, securely using JWT on the edge is crucial for ensuring the security of your application. When implementing authentication in NextJS middleware, it’s important to consider the secure transmission and storage of JWTs, as well as the verification of their authenticity and the handling of token expiration. By following best practices for using JWT in NextJS middleware, you can ensure that your application is secure and protected from unauthorized access.

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Mostafa Nasiri
7 months ago

OH GOSH!!! Thanks JOSH 🙂

Dawit Minale
7 months ago

is it the same for next 13

Marcin Burzyński
7 months ago

just so you know. `!!"" === false`

7 months ago

Hi, I liked the protected routing using middelware. But what if, for example, we are using an external backend, you would still recommend using this approach, minus the token verification (because that is already happening on the backend)?

7 months ago

well explained. is there a github link ?

7 months ago

Hi, where can I find this example on your github?

Justice Essiel
7 months ago

What is the "on the edge "exactly..

Ashan Karunaratne
7 months ago

Hey Josh thanks for this, I'm using this for my new project but I'm having an issue how do I protect dynamic routes? for example I want to protect this route "/customer/[id]"

7 months ago

If user is logged in and if they still wanna access /login then how to redirect them to " /" page

7 months ago

Code please ?

Dee Quyen
7 months ago

hi Josh, your video helpful with me, when i do with my project, it run perfectly in local, but when i deployed on vercel, the middleware not working, it mean the JWT – verifyToken not working, token isn't authenticated. Can you help me.

7 months ago

Where did you get that wallpaper? It's really really cool!

Ambrose Beavers
7 months ago


Ambrose Beavers
7 months ago

Hey Josh I notice that when I redirect the upload still shows the path of the previous page. Any way to fix that

7 months ago

if we have to show user data in /dashboard page , how can we do that

we can do so by getServerSideProps

but what if we have to show userData in Navbar(email) , /profile page

for client-side we can use useEffect
what if we have to show data in Navbar, dashboar,profile page on the very first page load

Kevin Puchaicela
7 months ago


oop ss
7 months ago

is using next-auth more secure?

Rizki Fahruroji
7 months ago

Thank You. this is very petrified doing authentication in middleware.
but something strange happened to my nextjs app in production mode. I logged out and changed the maxAge in the serial cookie to -1. cookies deleted successfully but i can still access admin page. sometimes the data displayed is data from other users at different levels who have logged in on their respective devices. Please help and sorry for my english

7 months ago

Useful knowledge.. Hope, next will be NextAuth with the JWT access token Register, Login and User Access Role..!

Bong James
7 months ago

혹시 trpc 를 사용하지 않고 middleware 를 만든 영상도 있습니까?