Implementing User Authentication in Django and Flutter: Part 2 – Registration, Token Saving, and Logout.

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Django Flutter Auth Part 2 | Registration, Save Token, Logout

Django Flutter Auth Part 2


In this part of the series, we will focus on implementing the registration feature in our Django Flutter authentication system. Users will be able to sign up for an account by providing their email address and password.

Save Token

After a user successfully registers, we will generate a unique token for them. This token will be used to authenticate the user and grant access to protected resources. We will save this token securely in our database to ensure the security of our system.


Users will be able to log out of their accounts by clicking on a ‘Logout’ button. When a user logs out, their token will be invalidated, preventing unauthorized access to their account. This feature will help enhance the security of our authentication system.

Stay tuned for the next part of our series, where we will cover additional features such as password reset and account deletion. Thank you for following along!

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1 month ago

Bro thanks, It really helps

1 month ago

Can you put email verification and forget password parts too? will be great to complete the full auth part with those part covered. btw great video. keep up the good work.

1 month ago

salamulaikum, your project is amazing! thanks for sharing it… i've subscripted you immediately after i saw your project idea 😀 full stack with the best of both worlds 😀