Implementing ZigZag LeetCode Solutions in Python and Deploying with Flask, Docker, and Kubernetes

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2 ZigZag LeetCode in Python and Deployment with Flask, Docker, and Kubernetes

2 ZigZag LeetCode in Python and Deployment with Flask, Docker, and Kubernetes

In this tutorial, we will first solve the LeetCode problem “2 ZigZag” in Python. Then, we will deploy our solution using Flask, Docker, and Kubernetes.

Step 1: Solve the LeetCode problem “2 ZigZag” in Python

The LeetCode problem “2 ZigZag” asks us to convert a given string into a zigzag pattern given a number of rows. We can solve this problem by iterating over the string and assigning each character to the correct row in the zigzag pattern.

def convert(s, numRows):
if numRows == 1 or numRows >= len(s):
return s

zigzag = [” for _ in range(numRows)]
row = 0
direction = 1

for char in s:
zigzag[row] += char
if row == 0:
direction = 1
elif row == numRows – 1:
direction = -1
row += direction

return ”.join(zigzag)

Now that we have our solution to the “2 ZigZag” problem, let’s move on to deploying it using Flask, Docker, and Kubernetes.

Step 2: Deployment with Flask

First, we need to create a Flask web application that will expose our “2 ZigZag” solution as an API endpoint.

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route(‘/zigzag’, methods=[‘POST’])
def zigzag():
data = request.get_json()
s = data[‘s’]
numRows = data[‘numRows’]
result = convert(s, numRows)
return jsonify({‘result’: result})

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:

Save the above code to a file named ``.

Step 3: Deployment with Docker

Next, we will create a Dockerfile to build our Flask application into a Docker image.

FROM python:3.9
COPY . /app
RUN pip install Flask
CMD [“python”, “”]

Save the above code to a file named `Dockerfile`.

Now, we can build our Docker image by running the following command:

docker build -t zigzag-flask .

Finally, we can run our Docker container with the following command:

docker run -p 5000:5000 zigzag-flask

Step 4: Deployment with Kubernetes

Now, we will deploy our Flask application using Kubernetes.

First, we need to create a Kubernetes Deployment manifest file:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: zigzag-flask
replicas: 1
app: zigzag-flask
app: zigzag-flask
– name: zigzag-flask
image: zigzag-flask
– containerPort: 5000

Save the above code to a file named `deployment.yaml`.

Next, we can deploy our Flask application to Kubernetes with the following command:

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Now, our Flask application is running in a Kubernetes cluster and can be accessed at the exposed NodePort.


In this tutorial, we solved the “2 ZigZag” problem in Python and deployed our solution using Flask, Docker, and Kubernetes. We created a Flask application that exposes our solution as an API endpoint, built a Docker image for our Flask application, and deployed it to a Kubernetes cluster. We hope you found this tutorial helpful!