Important things to consider before refactoring your React JS Codebase

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Watch this before you refactor your React JS Codebase

Watch this before you refactor your React JS Codebase

Refactoring your React JS codebase can be a daunting task, but it is a necessary step in maintaining a clean and efficient codebase. Before you start diving into refactoring, it is important to watch this video for some important tips and considerations.

Some key points to keep in mind before refactoring your React JS codebase include:

  • Identify code smells and areas that need improvement
  • Have a clear understanding of the current codebase structure and architecture
  • Consider the impact of refactoring on existing functionality and features
  • Create a plan and set goals for the refactoring process

By following these guidelines and watching the video above, you can ensure a smooth and efficient refactoring process for your React JS codebase. Happy coding!

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7 days ago

Great video!! I just rewrote an entire web app I built because I initially speed-coded it and it was a chaotic mess. More people need to see this video!!

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