
“Importing a JavaScript file into a Node.js program” #javascript #nodejs #shorts

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Include/Import JavaScript file into Node.js program

How to Include/Import JavaScript file into Node.js program

If you’re working with Node.js and want to include or import a JavaScript file into your program, there are a few different methods you can use to achieve this.

1. Using require() method

The most common way to include a JavaScript file into a Node.js program is by using the require() method:

const myModule = require('./myModule.js');

In this example, we’re using the require() method to include a file called myModule.js into our program. The path ‘./myModule.js’ should be the relative path to the JavaScript file you want to include.

2. Using import keyword with ES6 modules

If you’re using ES6 modules in your Node.js program, you can also use the import keyword to include a JavaScript file:

import myModule from './myModule.js';

When using the import keyword, make sure to run your Node.js program with the –experimental-modules flag to enable ES6 module support:

node --experimental-modules myProgram.mjs

3. Using HTML script tag

Another way to include a JavaScript file into a Node.js program is by using the HTML script tag in an HTML file:

<script src="myModule.js"></script>

After including the JavaScript file in the HTML file, you can run the HTML file with a tool like jsdom or a browser’s developer console to use the file within a Node.js environment.


These are some of the ways you can include or import a JavaScript file into a Node.js program. Whether you’re using the require() method, ES6 modules, or the HTML script tag, you can easily incorporate external JavaScript files into your Node.js program to add additional functionality and modularity.

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