Impressions of Next.js RSC

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Next.js RSC Impressions

Next.js RSC Impressions

Next.js is a popular framework for building React applications. Its recent addition of the RSC (React Server Components) feature has generated a lot of excitement and interest in the development community.

What are RSCs?

RSCs allow developers to offload some of the work traditionally done on the client side to the server. This can lead to significant performance improvements, as well as opening up new opportunities for dynamic content and personalized experiences.


Developers who have started working with RSCs in Next.js have been impressed with the ease of use and the potential performance gains. The ability to fetch and render dynamic content on the server side without sacrificing the interactivity of a client-side application is a game changer for many projects.

Community Reaction

The Next.js community has been buzzing with excitement about RSCs. Many developers are eager to start experimenting with this new feature and see how it can enhance their applications. There have been discussions and tutorials shared on various platforms, showcasing the capabilities and best practices for using RSCs in Next.js projects.


Next.js RSCs have left a positive impression on the development community, with many excited about the potential for improved performance and new capabilities. As more developers start to adopt and leverage RSCs in their projects, we can expect to see even more innovative and dynamic web applications powered by Next.js.

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6 months ago

Blink if they hold you hostage.

6 months ago

Here from Dan's x