
Improved React Animations: A Game Changer

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React Animations just got better

React Animations just got better

Recently, there have been some exciting improvements to animations in React that are making developers’ lives easier. With the introduction of new features and enhancements, creating dynamic and engaging user interfaces has become more seamless than ever before.

Introducing the new React Spring library

One of the most significant recent developments is the introduction of the React Spring library. This powerful tool allows developers to create fluid, natural-looking animations with minimal effort. By using physics-based animations, React Spring enables smoother transitions and more lifelike movements, leading to a more intuitive and polished user experience.

Improved performance with Suspense and Concurrent Mode

In addition to the React Spring library, React has also made strides in performance optimization. The introduction of Suspense and Concurrent Mode has significantly improved the efficiency of rendering animations, leading to smoother and more responsive interfaces. With the ability to suspend rendering and prioritize updates, developers can now create more complex and dynamic animations without sacrificing performance.

Enhanced control with the useTransition hook

Another exciting addition to React’s animation capabilities is the useTransition hook. This feature provides developers with greater control over the timing and sequencing of animations, allowing for more intricate and expressive user interfaces. By managing the transition of components and elements, the useTransition hook provides a more intuitive way to orchestrate complex animations with ease.


With these recent advancements in React’s animation capabilities, developers now have more tools than ever to create immersive and engaging user interfaces. The React Spring library, along with improvements in performance and control, has elevated the possibilities for animations in React, making it easier to bring designs to life and captivate users with dynamic, responsive interfaces.

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7 months ago


7 months ago

Am I the only one who thought there was a fly in my right ear at the beginning

7 months ago

A clickbait 👿👿

7 months ago

Any idea why it's telling me that "safeToRemove()" isn't a function?

7 months ago

great tutorials!

7 months ago

NextJS breaking my app every day. Oh man, too real lol

7 months ago

wtf is the moan broo hahahaha

7 months ago

I still have no idea why anyone would use framer motion over gsap. Gsap is so much more powerful it's like watching someone compare a toy car to a fighter jet and going with the toy car because it came in a prettier wrapper.

7 months ago

Thank you🙇, been looking everywhere for something on usepresence and useAnimate, you just saved my mental state🫠, you're a life saver
Edit: seems it's just a copy from the docs😩, wanted to know if the async is necessary, if animatePResence is necessary, could I use safetoRemove without it being in a seperate function

7 months ago


7 months ago

What's your theme?

7 months ago

vaping not cool

7 months ago

bro what vape u using ? and juice ?

7 months ago

how did you get index variable?

7 months ago

Please give the link for that wallpaper its so cool

7 months ago

Bro can you make a crush course about framer motion

7 months ago

What's wrong with keyframes?

7 months ago

Papa ed pls gif us framer motion series. Full pls.
I gif u biscuit..

7 months ago

why did you add that weird sound at 44 seconds

7 months ago

Hi Ed, great content, you always know how to make coding not feel so boring.. Lol. so i'm working on a project that requires i implement a feature Tour guide, and it's something i'm quite new to, can you please make a video on the best libraries to help implement this in a react Typescript web application?? I'd be eternally grateful 🙏