Improving Your Framework: Enhancements in Svelte 5 by Rich Harris

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How to Make a Great Framework Better – Svelte 5 with Rich Harris

How to Make a Great Framework Better – Svelte 5 with Rich Harris

Svelte is a popular JavaScript framework known for its simplicity and exceptional performance. With the recent release of Svelte 5 and the ongoing contributions of its creator, Rich Harris, there are several ways to make this already great framework even better.

Optimizing Performance

One of the key reasons developers choose Svelte is its exceptional performance. With the release of Svelte 5, there are even more opportunities to optimize and fine-tune performance. Rich Harris has been working on improving the compiler and runtime, which will lead to even faster and more efficient applications.

Enhancing Developer Experience

Rich Harris has always been focused on improving the developer experience with Svelte. With Svelte 5, there are new features and improvements that make it easier and more enjoyable to work with the framework. This includes better tooling, enhanced error messages, and improved documentation to help developers get started and be more productive.

Expanding the Ecosystem

As Svelte continues to grow in popularity, there is a need to expand the ecosystem around the framework. Rich Harris has been working on building out a rich ecosystem of tools, libraries, and resources to support Svelte development. This includes integrations with popular libraries and frameworks, as well as a thriving community of contributors and users.

Improving Accessibility

Accessibility is an important aspect of web development, and Rich Harris has been working to ensure that Svelte is accessible to all users. With Svelte 5, there are improvements in accessibility features and best practices, making it easier for developers to create accessible applications with the framework.

Continued Innovation

Finally, with Rich Harris at the helm, Svelte is well positioned to continue innovating and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with a JavaScript framework. With Svelte 5, developers can expect to see even more innovative features and improvements that set the framework apart from the competition.

Overall, Svelte 5 with Rich Harris is an exciting combination that promises to make an already great framework even better. With performance optimizations, enhanced developer experience, an expanded ecosystem, improved accessibility, and continued innovation, Svelte is poised to remain at the forefront of JavaScript frameworks.

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4 months ago

It was a joy getting to interview Rich! Who else is excited for Runes and Svelte 5?

4 months ago

Rich is a real passionate dev. I like this!

4 months ago

Really is a shittier React without JSX. You know it’s true

4 months ago

not all hero's wear capes!

4 months ago

Amazing, such inspiring, Thank you !🙌

4 months ago

All development is hard. Web dev is hard for all the wrong reasons 😂

4 months ago

I appreciate what Rich is trying to do. I however – from what I've tested with Svelte 5 – say runes make thing harder for me.

4 months ago

This is the next framework I'll try.

4 months ago

All this is so wrong…

4 months ago

amazing Rich! but why are you sitting so close to each other?

4 months ago

The fact that people loves Svelte 4 and don't want to use Svelte 5 should tell Rich something. It's clear that the introduction of the runes in Svelte 5 will fracture the community big time. And it will be even worst when they drop compatibility in Svelte 7. What's even worst is that now he "complains" about having to reassign arrays in order for them to be reactive when people have been pointing out that issue at least since Svelte 3 that I'm aware of. All those "hacks" that made absolutely no sense at all, when they could have easily implemented the framework to react to changes in arrays out of the box.
Not to mention that everything Svelte 5 is doing, can be done without the introduction of runes. In fact, Svelte 4 code already compiles in Svelte 5, the same way a rune would. So adding runes, while gives more control to the developers, it's pure overhead.

4 months ago

I love sveltekit, it's my only framework i work!

4 months ago

my biggest problem with svelte is the fact that it feels they're in a crusade against SPA.

4 months ago

I used Ractive as the view part of my own SPA framework. It was really cool

4 months ago

svelte is very cool

4 months ago

Embrace modernity. Evolve to crab.

4 months ago

I really don't fully buy into the simplicity part of this discussion. Pro developers care about productivity and understand a framework needs a deep ecology of packages that solve common problems.

4 months ago

Rich Harris is the savior of web development

4 months ago

Great interview

4 months ago

Svelte is great and definitely more user friendly than React and such. But Aurelia already achieved this many years ago. And in the details even better. Still my number 1 web framework: easy to learn, stable, fast, .. Aurelia 2 is on the horizon btw.