Incorporate Auto Imports into ANY Vue App

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Add Auto Imports to ANY Vue App

How to Add Auto Imports to ANY Vue App

If you are a Vue.js developer, you probably know that managing import statements for your components and libraries can be a tedious task. However, there is a solution to make this process much easier by using auto imports in your Vue app.

What are Auto Imports?

Auto imports is a feature in Vue 3 that allows you to automatically import components and libraries without the need to manually import them in each file where they are used.

How to Add Auto Imports to Your Vue App

Adding auto imports to your Vue app is a simple process. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Install the Volar Extension
  2. First, you will need to install the Volar extension in your code editor. This extension provides Vue 3 and TypeScript support, and it includes auto imports functionality.

  3. Enable Auto Imports
  4. Once the Volar extension is installed, you can enable auto imports in your Vue app by adding the “vetur.experimental.templateInterpolationService” setting to your workspace settings file. Set the value to true to enable auto imports.

  5. Use Auto Imports
  6. After enabling auto imports, you can start using this feature in your Vue app. Simply start typing the component or library name and the auto import feature will suggest the import statement for you. This will save you time and make your code cleaner and more maintainable.


Auto imports can greatly improve the developer experience when working with Vue.js. By automating the import process, you can focus on writing code rather than managing import statements. If you haven’t tried using auto imports in your Vue app, give it a try and see how it can streamline your development workflow.

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Zeenu Exe
7 months ago

My thanks. I will try this.

Dan bizirean
7 months ago

Not a single positive comment. Huge L from vue devs. This is feature is great.

Jigar Kumar
7 months ago

how to set '@' before the file path for auto import ts/js file? do you have any idea? pls share

Личный канал
7 months ago

I love it

Alisher Usmonov
7 months ago

Thanks to you for another best video

7 months ago

Hey, I think your content is great, however just as a piece of constructive feedback, from my POV your pace is really fast, a bit like Fireships. I get that might work from some YouTube videos, but will your paid course have the same pace/style? For me personally, I find it hard even as someone that knows a little Vue to parse everything you're saying before you switch contexts.

7 months ago

been using this plugin since last year and it's a big help

David E
7 months ago

I think is bad practice

Victor Alberto
7 months ago

Quizás si trabajas solo en un proyecto te puede ayudar a optimizar tiempos, pero en un ambiente laboral en donde existe muchas personas que pueden trabajar un mismo proyecto es algo peligroso, ya que se tendría que estar revisando de donde proviene. Personalmente remuevo el autoimport cuando trabajo con Nuxt 🤓

7 months ago


Krisantus Wanandi
7 months ago

antfu is the man

Lachlan Miller
7 months ago

Another high quality video!

Opinion on the actual library: I am not really a fan of magic and auto imports – Nuxt does this out of the box with Vue and VueUse. It makes onboarding and understanding much harder. Considering VS Code and Volar can usually auto import when you start typing, I don't see a compelling use case for this kind of feature.

Alex Ties
7 months ago

What is the benefit of such a system? My IDE imports the component once i write its name in the template code. This is not ironic im seriously asking.

Scam Eron
7 months ago

Just a suggestion but the out of tune repetitive background music loop is really distracting and I can't understand what your saying.

Aaron Klinker
7 months ago

I've been using these libraries for several weeks now, and they're very useful, but don't try and setup autoimports for all your files lol.

If you're working on a vue app, only setup auto imports for components, composables, and the vue preset. NOT UTILITIES. For react, only use it for the same: components, hooks, and the react preset.

Those will save you the most time, but keep you away from pitfalls like mocking in unit tests and or accidental inclusion if you're working on an app with multiple JS contexts/runtimes (Chrome Extensions, or Electron apps, or even a vite configs).

7 months ago

Vue 3 composition api and so made for the simplicity and convenience of writing code. Adding another package globally is pointless

Paul Johnson #Nakba
7 months ago

Right from the gate I got into some limitations
– with Storyblok, you still need to import components that you are using in `makeRaw` for some of the highier-order components
– be careful with importing folder full of utility methods, as some of them might clash with `window`
– auto-import does not work for utility methods used only in the template of a component (it might require additional trick that I don't know about)

Andréas Blondeau
7 months ago

OMG ! The most valuable video ever. Thank you so much ❤️

Tommy Jado
7 months ago

i prefer to disable auto imports in nuxt 3 😂

Ivan Bragin
7 months ago