
Incorporating Particle Effects with Particles Js Library in Your Web Application

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How To Use Particles Js Library Into Your Web Application || Adding Particle Effects to Your Web

How To Use Particles Js Library Into Your Web Application || Adding Particle Effects to Your Web

Particle effects can add a unique and engaging visual element to your web application. They can be used to create background animations, interactive elements, and much more. One popular library for creating particle effects is Particles.js.

Getting Started with Particles.js

To use Particles.js in your web application, first, you need to include the library in your HTML file. You can do this by adding the following script tag to your document’s head:

Creating a Particle Animation

Once you have included the Particles.js library, you can create a particle animation by adding a container element to your HTML. This can be a

or any other HTML element.

Next, you can initialize the particle animation by adding the following script to the bottom of your document, right before the tag:

particlesJS('particles-js', {
"particles": {
"number": {
"value": 80,
"density": {
"enable": true,
"value_area": 800
"color": {
"value": "#ffffff"
"shape": {
"type": "circle",
"stroke": {
"width": 0,
"color": "#000000"

In this example, ‘particles-js’ refers to the id of the container element where you want the particle animation to be displayed. You can customize the appearance and behavior of the particles by modifying the configuration object passed to the particlesJS function.

Adding Interactivity

Particles.js also allows you to add interactivity to your particle animation. For example, you can make the particles move in response to mouse movement or clicks. To do this, you can utilize the interactivity object in the configuration:

"interactivity": {
"events": {
"onhover": {
"enable": true,
"mode": "repulse"

In this example, the particles will repulse away from the mouse pointer when hovered over. You can explore the various options available in the Particles.js documentation to create the interactivity you desire.


Adding particle effects to your web application using Particles.js is a great way to enhance the visual appeal and create dynamic, interactive experiences for your users. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily integrate particle animations into your web application and customize them to suit your needs.

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6 months ago

Not working for me

6 months ago

It is possible to use this animation within one page? I'm asking that because everything I tried does't work. The animation in rendered all over my pages, instead of being rendered only in HOME PAGE. I have this small project and it's made by React. All of my pages are used as ''Components'. So I"m using 'react-particles' only in " Home page" component but regarding to this the animation it's still shown all over my project… any clues?

6 months ago

isn't responsive

6 months ago

I am already having a background color how to remove the default background color that is given in the library(the one in the <Particles> ), i actually tried to comment out background color from the <Particles> but when I comment it out my website does not get loaded and there i get a notification that website unresponsive,if i uncomment it again works properly but my background color becomes the one which is in the <Particles> , pls help

6 months ago

Good Job

6 months ago

please create this with bootstrap for beginners

6 months ago

Great work