Insight into Qt: Understanding Usage Intelligence for Apps & Embedded Devices #QtDev

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Qt Insight | Usage Intelligence for Apps & Embedded Devices

Welcome to Qt Insight

Qt Insight is a powerful tool for developers to gain insights into the usage of their apps and embedded devices. With Qt Insight, developers can track user behavior, monitor performance, and make data-driven decisions to improve their products.

Usage Intelligence

Qt Insight provides detailed usage intelligence for apps and embedded devices. Developers can track metrics such as user engagement, feature usage, and performance metrics. This data can help developers understand how users are interacting with their products and identify areas for improvement.

Data-Driven Decisions

By using Qt Insight, developers can make data-driven decisions to optimize their apps and embedded devices. With access to usage data, developers can prioritize feature development, improve user experience, and address performance issues. This can help developers create more successful products and drive user satisfaction.


Join the Qt development community and stay updated on the latest insights, tips, and best practices for developing with Qt Insight. Use the hashtag #QtDev to connect with other developers, share your experiences, and learn from the insights of the Qt community.

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9 days ago

Hello, I'm interested about using Qt products, but I need some help from a professional.

I would like to try the open source version for Qt framework, and I want to install the Qt creator IDE.

First, I have managed to install the Qt installer, and in the installation folder (within the installer), I selected “custom installation”. Then, I selected “Qt 6.5.2” in the select components.

However, when I finished the installation, but instead I have Qt 6.2.4 which opens on a terminal. Also, it installed me Qt linguist and Qt designer.

Can you help me please ?

Thanks in advance,


9 days ago

crash and bug report this 2 feature needed

9 days ago

i still dont know why QT is so underated😓😓

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