Install the Sentry Next.js SDK in Just 60 Seconds

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How to Install the Sentry Next.js SDK in 60 Seconds

How to Install the Sentry Next.js SDK in 60 Seconds

Sentry is a popular open-source error tracking and logging tool that can help developers identify and fix issues in their applications. If you’re using Next.js for your frontend development, integrating Sentry into your project can be a quick and effective way to monitor and debug errors. In this article, we’ll show you how to install the Sentry Next.js SDK in just 60 seconds.

Step 1: Create a Sentry Account

Before you can start using Sentry with your Next.js project, you’ll need to create a Sentry account and create a new project for your application. Head over to the Sentry website and sign up for an account if you don’t already have one. Once you’re logged in, you can create a new project and generate a DSN (Data Source Name) for your Next.js application.

Step 2: Install the Sentry SDK

Next, you’ll need to install the Sentry SDK for Next.js. Open a terminal in your project directory and run the following command:

npm install @sentry/nextjs

Step 3: Configure the Sentry SDK

Once the SDK is installed, you’ll need to configure it with your Sentry DSN. Create a new file in your project called sentry.js and add the following code:

      "dsn": ""

Step 4: Add the SDK to your Next.js Project

Finally, you’ll need to add the Sentry SDK to your Next.js project. Open your next.config.js file and add the following code:

    const { withSentryConfig } = require('@sentry/nextjs');

    const moduleExports = {
      // Your existing next.js config

    // Optional. Do not add this when using `-config` option.
    module.exports = withSentryConfig(moduleExports, {});

Step 5: Verify the Installation

That’s it! You’ve now installed the Sentry Next.js SDK in your project. To verify the installation, you can trigger an error in your Next.js application and check the Sentry dashboard for any reported errors. If everything is set up correctly, you should see the error appear in your Sentry project.

And there you have it! In just 60 seconds, you’ve successfully installed the Sentry Next.js SDK and integrated it into your project. Happy error monitoring!