Installation Guide for FastAPI: Webinar Tutorial

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How to install FastAPI

How to install FastAPI

If you’re looking to build fast and efficient APIs in Python, FastAPI is a great framework to use. In this webinar, we will walk you through the steps to install FastAPI on your system.

Step 1: Install Pip

Before you can install FastAPI, make sure you have Pip installed on your system. Pip is a package manager for Python that makes it easy to install and manage Python packages.

$ sudo apt install python3-pip

Step 2: Install FastAPI

Once Pip is installed, you can use it to install FastAPI and its dependencies.

$ pip install fastapi uvicorn

This command will install FastAPI and Uvicorn, which is an ASGI server that FastAPI uses to run your API.

Step 3: Create your FastAPI application

Now that FastAPI is installed, you can start creating your API. Create a new Python file and import FastAPI.

from fastapi import FastAPI

Then, create an instance of the FastAPI class.

app = FastAPI()

Now you can start defining your API endpoints using FastAPI’s decorators and request handling functions.

Step 4: Run your FastAPI application

Finally, you can run your FastAPI application using Uvicorn.

$ uvicorn your_file_name:app --reload

This command will start the Uvicorn server and run your FastAPI application. You can now access your API by navigating to http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.

That’s it! You’ve successfully installed FastAPI and created your first API. If you want to learn more about FastAPI and its features, make sure to attend our upcoming webinar on installing FastAPI.

Stay tuned for more updates and tutorials on FastAPI!