Installing and utilizing Quasar in a Laravel Inertia Vue.js Application

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How to Install and Use Quasar in Laravel Inertia Vue js Application

How to Install and Use Quasar in Laravel Inertia Vue js Application

If you are looking to enhance the user interface of your Laravel Inertia Vue js application, you may want to consider using the Quasar framework. Quasar is a flexible and customizable framework that allows you to quickly create responsive web applications with a modern design.

Installing Quasar

To get started with Quasar in your Laravel project, you will first need to install the Quasar CLI. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g @quasar/cli

Once the CLI is installed, you can create a new Quasar project by running the following command:

quasar create my-quasar-project

This will generate a new Quasar project in a directory called my-quasar-project. You can then navigate to this directory and start the Quasar dev server by running:

cd my-quasar-project
quasar dev

Integrating Quasar with Laravel Inertia Vue js Application

To integrate Quasar with your Laravel Inertia Vue js application, you will need to first install the Quasar Vue plugin. You can do this by running the following command:

npm install --save @quasar/extras

Once the plugin is installed, you can start using Quasar components in your Vue js components. For example, you can add a Quasar button to your template like this:

<q-btn label="Click me"></q-btn>

Quasar provides a wide range of components that you can use to enhance the look and feel of your application. You can explore the Quasar documentation to see all the available components and how to use them in your project.


By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily install and use Quasar in your Laravel Inertia Vue js application. Quasar provides a simple and efficient way to enhance the user interface of your application, and it is definitely worth considering for your next project.

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3 months ago

I think this mix is a bad solution (work around/ a mess).
Or am I being too purist?

3 months ago

Hola, muchas gracias por el video, es excelente, solo me gustaría hacerte una pregunta, mi proyecto está hecho con jetstream inertia y, cuando al archivo app.j le "import 'quasar/src/css/index.sass' " me desaparecen los NavLink del archivo AppLayout.vue y se comporta esa parte como si estuviera en un dispositivo mobil, alguien le a pasado lo mismo y tiene una idea de porque le pasa esto?

3 months ago

Que maravilla esto!.. funcionó perfecto.. muchas gracias!

3 months ago

Love it. Exactly what I'm looking for. I read another blog post that recommended creating separate folders for the quasar front and laravel backend. This inertia way seems better.

3 months ago

Excelente !!!