Installing Node.js version 18.16.0 on Windows 10: A Step-by-Step Guide #nodejs

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How to Install Node.js on Windows 10

How to Install Node.js on Windows 10

Node.js is a popular runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript on the server side. Installing Node.js on Windows 10 is a simple process, and you can follow the steps below to install version 18.16.0.

Step 1: Download Node.js

First, you need to download the Node.js installer from the official website. You can find the latest version of Node.js at

Step 2: Run the Installer

Once the installer is downloaded, double-click on the executable file to run the installer. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Node.js on your Windows 10 machine.

Step 3: Verify the Installation

After the installation is complete, open a command prompt and type node -v to verify that Node.js is installed. You should see the version number of Node.js displayed in the command prompt.

Step 4: Update npm (Node Package Manager)

npm is a package manager for Node.js, and it is installed along with Node.js. However, it is a good idea to update npm to the latest version. To do this, type npm install npm@latest -g in the command prompt.

Step 5: Test Node.js

Finally, you can test that Node.js is working correctly by creating and running a simple JavaScript file. Create a file called app.js with the following content:

    const message = "Hello, Node.js!";

Save the file and run it using the command node app.js in the command prompt. You should see the message “Hello, Node.js!” printed in the command prompt, indicating that Node.js is working correctly.

That’s it! You have successfully installed Node.js version 18.16.0 on your Windows 10 machine. You can now start developing and running server-side JavaScript applications using Node.js.

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7 months ago

Well done sir 👍 Please keep it up

7 months ago

Thanks this video is very helpful

7 months ago

very clear explanation thanks

7 months ago

Thanks Sir, Good video

7 months ago

Thanks for this video its very helpful