Installing PyQt5 on Windows 11 using Command Prompt (CMD)

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How to Install PyQt5 on Windows 11

How to Install PyQt5 on Windows 11 using Command Prompt

If you want to develop a graphical user interface (GUI) application using Python on Windows 11, you may want to consider using PyQt5. PyQt5 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt toolkit, making it easy to create cross-platform applications.

Step 1: Install Python

Before installing PyQt5, you need to have Python installed on your Windows 11 computer. If you haven’t done so already, download and install Python from the official website.

Step 2: Open Command Prompt

Once Python is installed, open the Command Prompt on your Windows 11 computer. You can do this by searching for “cmd” in the Windows search bar and selecting the Command Prompt application.

Step 3: Install PyQt5 using pip

Now that you have the Command Prompt open, you can use the pip package manager to install PyQt5. Simply type the following command and press Enter:

pip install pyqt5

This will download and install the PyQt5 package and its dependencies from the Python Package Index (PyPI).

Step 4: Verify the installation

Once the installation is complete, you can verify that PyQt5 is installed correctly by importing the package in a Python script. Create a new Python file using a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE) and add the following line:

import PyQt5

Save the file and run it using the Python interpreter. If you don’t encounter any errors, PyQt5 is successfully installed on your Windows 11 computer.


Installing PyQt5 on Windows 11 using the Command Prompt is a straightforward process that allows you to start building GUI applications with Python. By following these steps, you can quickly set up PyQt5 and begin developing your own desktop applications.