Integrating Razorpay Payment Gateway with Python Using Flask Framework #python #razorpay #coding

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Integrating Razorpay Payment Gateway with Flask Framework in Python

Integrating Razorpay Payment Gateway with Flask Framework in Python

Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework in Python which is known for its simplicity and flexibility. Razorpay is a popular payment gateway that allows you to accept online payments on your website or application. In this article, we will guide you through the process of integrating Razorpay payment gateway with Flask framework in Python.

Step 1: Setting up a Razorpay account

Before you can start integrating Razorpay with Flask, you need to sign up for a Razorpay account and obtain your API keys. You will need to generate the API key and API secret key from the Razorpay dashboard.

Step 2: Installing the Razorpay Python SDK

You can install the Razorpay Python SDK using pip by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install razorpay

Step 3: Creating a Razorpay payment form

Next, you will need to create a payment form on your Flask application where users can enter their payment details. You can customize the form according to your requirements and include fields like amount, name, email, etc.

Step 4: Handling payment requests in Flask

Once the user submits the payment form, you will need to handle the payment request in your Flask application. You can use the Razorpay Python SDK to create a payment order and initiate the payment process. Make sure to validate the payment response and update the payment status accordingly.

Step 5: Handling payment callbacks

After the payment is successfully processed, Razorpay will send a callback to your Flask application with the payment details. You will need to validate the callback and update the payment status in your database.


Integrating Razorpay payment gateway with Flask framework in Python is a straightforward process that enables you to accept online payments on your website or application. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can seamlessly integrate Razorpay with Flask and provide a seamless payment experience for your users.

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2 months ago

I am not able to get the UPI payment options, please help.

2 months ago

What's the better razorpay or paypal ?

2 months ago

Hii Mam
I have issue on kyc in razorpay
Can I contact you to on Instagram

2 months ago

We also do this work in HTML