Integrating TailwindCSS in React with Vite: A Guide for Vite Project with React and TailwindCSS

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How to Integrate TailwindCSS in React with Vite

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How to Integrate TailwindCSS in React with Vite

Vite Project with React and TailwindCSS

In this article, we will cover how to integrate TailwindCSS in a React project using Vite as the build tool.

What is TailwindCSS?

TailwindCSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides low-level utility classes to build designs without having to leave your HTML. It is gaining popularity due to its ease of use and flexibility.

What is Vite?

Vite is a next-generation front-end build tool that is designed to be lightning fast. It leverages native ES modules in browsers and provides an instant development server with hot module replacement (HMR).

Integrating TailwindCSS with React and Vite

To integrate TailwindCSS in a React project using Vite, we can follow these steps:

  1. Install Vite and create a new project
  2. Install React and TailwindCSS dependencies
  3. Configure TailwindCSS in the project
  4. Create a basic React component and use TailwindCSS classes

Once the above steps are completed, we can start using TailwindCSS classes in our React components and see the changes being reflected instantly thanks to Vite’s HMR feature.


Integrating TailwindCSS in a React project with Vite is a straightforward process that offers a great development experience. With the power of Vite’s speed and TailwindCSS’s utility classes, building modern and responsive UIs becomes a breeze.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can quickly set up a new React project with Vite and TailwindCSS and start building beautiful user interfaces.

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