
Interpreting Vite Source Code: Dependency Pre-Bundling Part 2

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Vite 原始碼解讀 – Dependency Pre-Bundling part 2

Vite 原始碼解讀 – Dependency Pre-Bundling part 2

In the previous article, we discussed the concept of dependency pre-bundling in the context of Vite’s source code. In this article, we will continue our exploration of this topic and delve deeper into the inner workings of Vite’s pre-bundling mechanism.

Understanding Module Graph

At the core of Vite’s dependency pre-bundling process is the concept of a module graph. When a Vite project is started, the Vite server parses the entry file and constructs a graph of all the modules and their dependencies. This module graph is then used to determine the order in which modules should be pre-bundled, which helps to improve the performance of the build process.

Content Hashing

Another important aspect of Vite’s pre-bundling mechanism is content hashing. Vite uses content hashing to ensure that the output bundles are only updated when their content has actually changed. This helps to minimize unnecessary build-related work and improves the overall build performance.

Tree Shaking

Vite also leverages tree shaking to eliminate unused code from the output bundles. Tree shaking is a process of removing dead code from the application, which helps to reduce the bundle size and improve runtime performance. Vite’s pre-bundling mechanism integrates tree shaking to ensure that the output bundles are as lean and optimized as possible.


Dependency pre-bundling is a crucial aspect of Vite’s build process, and it plays a significant role in improving the overall performance of Vite projects. By understanding the inner workings of Vite’s pre-bundling mechanism, developers can optimize their projects and ensure that they are taking full advantage of Vite’s capabilities.

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10 months ago

原本是想看看 Vite 原始碼在做什麼卻也額外獲得了一些跟 Vite 本身比較不相關的知識,收穫很多,謝謝老師~

1. process.env.npm_config_user_agent 做的事情
2. patch-package 這個套件(最大收穫XD)
3. JSON.stringify 的第二個參數
4. hash 生成的其中一種方式
