Interview Questions for Angular JS

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Angular JS Interview Questions

Angular JS Interview Questions

If you are preparing for an interview for a job that requires knowledge of Angular JS, you may want to brush up on some common interview questions. Here are a few questions that are commonly asked during Angular JS interviews:

1. What is Angular JS?

Angular JS is a Javascript framework developed and maintained by Google. It is used for building dynamic web applications and simplifies the process of creating single-page applications.

2. What is two-way data binding in Angular JS?

Two-way data binding in Angular JS refers to the synchronization of data between the model and view. This means that any changes made in the model will automatically reflect in the view and vice versa.

3. What is the difference between Angular JS and Angular?

Angular JS is the first version of the Angular framework, which is now known as Angular. Angular is a complete rewrite of Angular JS and is more advanced and efficient in terms of performance and features.

4. What are directives in Angular JS?

Directives in Angular JS are markers on a DOM element that tell Angular’s HTML compiler to attach a specific behavior to that element. They are used to create custom HTML elements and attributes.

5. What is dependency injection in Angular JS?

Dependency injection in Angular JS is a design pattern where objects are passed as dependencies rather than created inside a class. This helps in making the code modular and testable.

6. What is the use of $scope in Angular JS?

$scope in Angular JS is a built-in object that plays the role of joining the controller with the view. It is used to pass data between the controller and the view in an Angular JS application.

7. What is routing in Angular JS?

Routing in Angular JS is the process of switching between different views or pages in a single-page application. It allows users to navigate between different sections of the application without reloading the entire page.

These are just a few examples of the types of questions you may encounter in an Angular JS interview. It is important to have a solid understanding of the framework and be able to explain your knowledge and experience with Angular JS effectively during the interview.

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