Interview with FastAPI author Tiangolo by Sebastián Ramírez

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Q&A with FastAPI author Tiangolo

FastAPI has quickly become a popular web framework for building APIs with Python. One of the key figures behind FastAPI is Sebastián Ramírez, also known as Tiangolo. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Tiangolo and ask him some questions about FastAPI and his experiences as a developer.

What inspired you to create FastAPI?

Tiangolo explained that he was inspired to create FastAPI after working with other web frameworks and finding them lacking in certain areas. He wanted to build a framework that was fast, easy to use, and had strong typing support. FastAPI was born out of these desires and has since grown into a powerful and widely used tool for building APIs.

What do you consider to be the standout features of FastAPI?

According to Tiangolo, one of the standout features of FastAPI is its speed. The framework is built on top of Starlette and Pydantic, which allow it to achieve exceptional performance. Additionally, FastAPI provides built-in support for automatic validation, serialization, and documentation of API endpoints, making it a very user-friendly option for developers.

What advice do you have for developers new to FastAPI?

For developers new to FastAPI, Tiangolo recommends taking the time to go through the official documentation and examples. He also advises leveraging the framework’s built-in features, such as the automatic API documentation tool, to streamline the development process. Lastly, Tiangolo encourages developers to get involved in the FastAPI community, whether that be through GitHub, forums, or other channels.

What are your future plans for FastAPI?

Looking ahead, Tiangolo shared that he has several exciting plans for the future of FastAPI. This includes improving the framework’s support for testing, enhancing its performance and scalability, and expanding its ecosystem with additional tools and extensions. He also expressed a desire to further strengthen the community around FastAPI and foster collaboration among developers.

Overall, our conversation with Tiangolo provided valuable insights into the world of FastAPI and the passion and dedication that he brings to his work. For those interested in building fast, easy-to-use APIs with Python, FastAPI is certainly a framework worth exploring.