Introducing FastAPI-CLI: The New Command Line Interface for FastAPI

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FastAPI now has a CLI (FastAPI-CLI)

FastAPI now has a CLI (FastAPI-CLI)

FastAPI, the high-performance web framework for building APIs with Python, has recently introduced a new CLI tool called FastAPI-CLI. This tool aims to simplify the process of creating and managing FastAPI projects by providing a command line interface for common tasks.

With FastAPI-CLI, developers can quickly generate new FastAPI projects, add new endpoints, manage dependencies, run tests, and more, all from the command line. This streamlines the development workflow and makes it easier to get started with FastAPI.

Some key features of FastAPI-CLI include:

  • Project generation: Create a new FastAPI project with a single command
  • Endpoint creation: Add new API endpoints to an existing project without having to write boilerplate code
  • Dependency management: Install and update dependencies with ease
  • Testing: Run tests for your FastAPI project from the command line

To get started with FastAPI-CLI, simply install it using pip:

$ pip install fastapi-cli

Once installed, you can use the fastapi command to access the CLI tool and start working on your FastAPI projects. For example, to create a new FastAPI project, you can run:

$ fastapi new project_name

This will generate a new FastAPI project with the specified name and set up a basic project structure for you to start working on. From there, you can use the CLI to add endpoints, manage dependencies, run tests, and more, all with simple and intuitive commands.

Overall, FastAPI-CLI is a valuable addition to the FastAPI ecosystem that makes it even easier to build fast and efficient APIs with Python. Give it a try on your next project and see how it can streamline your development process!

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3 months ago

There are very many things that will change and make FastAPI app development easier. I personally hope to get creation of custom CLI commands. That will change the game. Kindly tell me what you think about it,

3 months ago

when are you releasing that course just curious

3 months ago

Nice bro