
Introducing the new nf-core website: nf-core/bytesize

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Introducing the new nf-core/bytesize website

Introducing the new nf-core/bytesize website

NF-Core is an open-source community project that provides a framework for building and sharing Nextflow pipelines for bioinformatics analysis. The project recently launched a new website, nf-core/bytesize, to showcase their efforts in developing smaller, more focused pipelines.

What is nf-core/bytesize?

The nf-core/bytesize website is dedicated to showcasing smaller, more focused Nextflow pipelines that are designed for specific tasks within bioinformatics analysis. These smaller pipelines are created with the goal of being easy to understand, modify, and contribute to, making them an ideal starting point for bioinformaticians looking to build their own pipelines.

Features of nf-core/bytesize

The nf-core/bytesize website offers a range of features to support users in exploring and contributing to the project. Some of the key features include:

  • A curated collection of small, focused pipelines
  • Detailed documentation for each pipeline, including usage instructions and examples
  • Integration with nf-core’s existing infrastructure, including continuous integration and GitHub integration
  • A user-friendly interface for browsing and searching for pipelines
  • Guidelines and resources for contributing to the project

How to get involved

If you’re interested in exploring or contributing to nf-core/bytesize, there are several ways to get involved:

  • Browse the existing collection of pipelines and try them out in your own analysis
  • Contribute to the project by submitting pull requests, raising issues, or providing feedback
  • Join the nf-core community on Slack or GitHub to connect with other bioinformaticians and share your experiences


The launch of the nf-core/bytesize website is an exciting development for the NF-Core community, providing a dedicated platform for showcasing and developing smaller, more focused Nextflow pipelines. Whether you’re a seasoned bioinformatician looking for new tools or a novice looking to get started, nf-core/bytesize offers a valuable resource to explore and contribute to.