Welcome to the Quiz App!
This quiz app is built using Laravel, Vue Js, and Inertia. It provides a user-friendly interface for taking quizzes and testing your knowledge on various topics.
Features of the Quiz App:
- User authentication: Users can create an account, login, and access their profile information.
- Quiz creation: Admin users can create quizzes on different topics and add questions and answers.
- Quiz taking: Users can take quizzes, view their scores, and see correct answers.
- Leaderboard: Users can see where they rank compared to other quiz takers.
Technologies Used:
- Laravel: Laravel is a PHP web framework that provides a robust set of tools for building web applications.
- Vue Js: Vue Js is a JavaScript framework for building interactive web interfaces.
- Inertia: Inertia is a library that allows you to build single-page apps using server-side routing in Laravel.
With the combination of these technologies, the Quiz App offers a seamless and efficient user experience. So get ready to test your knowledge and have fun with our quizzes!