Introduction to Django: A Python Web Framework for Beginners with a Focus on Groups

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Groups in Django | Django for Beginners | Python Web Framework

Groups in Django

Django is a powerful web framework for building web applications using the Python programming language. It provides a lot of built-in features for managing user authentication and authorization, including support for groups.

What are Groups in Django?

In Django, a group is a collection of users that have a common set of permissions. This allows you to easily manage access control for different parts of your application based on user groups rather than individual users.

How to Create and Manage Groups in Django

Creating and managing groups in Django is straightforward. You can do this using the built-in admin interface or programmatically in your Python code.

Using the Admin Interface:

To create a new group, log in to the Django admin interface and navigate to the “Auth” section. From there, you can add new groups and assign permissions to them.


To create and manage groups programmatically, you can use Django’s built-in Group model and the django.contrib.auth module. You can create new groups, add and remove users from groups, and assign permissions to groups using Python code.

Using Groups for Access Control

Once you have created groups and assigned permissions to them, you can use them for access control in your views and templates. Django provides a convenient way to check if a user belongs to a certain group and restrict access to certain parts of your application based on group membership.


Groups in Django are a powerful tool for managing access control in your web application. Whether you are building a simple blog or a complex e-commerce platform, using groups can help you organize your users and control their access to different parts of your application. With the flexibility and ease of use provided by Django, managing groups becomes a breeze.