Introduction to Flask: Flask Tutorial Series #1

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First Flask Project – Flask Tutorial Series #1

Welcome to our Flask Tutorial Series!

In this tutorial series, we will be learning how to build web applications using Flask, a lightweight web framework for Python. This is the first article in the series where we will be setting up our first Flask project.

Setting up Flask

First, make sure you have Python installed on your computer. You can download it from here.

Next, install Flask using the following command:

pip install Flask

Creating our first Flask application

Now let’s create a new folder for our Flask project. Inside this folder, create a new Python file called

In, add the following code:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
return 'Hello, Flask!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Save the file and navigate to the project folder in your terminal. Run the following command to start the Flask development server:


Visit in your browser to see your first Flask application in action!


Congratulations on setting up your first Flask project! In the next article, we will learn more about Flask routes, templates, and database integration. Stay tuned for more tutorials in our Flask Tutorial Series!

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3 months ago


3 months ago

t"'as lèr défoncer

3 months ago

Thanks, very opportune! In this awesome Flask playlist, it would be great to see how to deploy to a VPS.

3 months ago

looking forward for more detail flask video>>

3 months ago

im lookinf forward to this series currently learning flask in my bootcamp

3 months ago

Thank you! And yes to the advanced Flask series!

3 months ago

Definitely want to see more! 🙂

3 months ago

Great video, looking forward to the rest and hopefully an advanced tutorial from you as well 😊

3 months ago

That's so good! Exactly what I needed. I hope you can complete this series and make the advanced one too! I will be following along with every video.

3 months ago

can't wait for next episode

3 months ago

Your Tutorials are the best!!!
More please!!

3 months ago

Thank you for the great tutorials, I am looking forward to the next episode 🥰

3 months ago

Excellent, thanx a lot! 😃

3 months ago

Great! looking forward to upcoming videos 👍

3 months ago

Great. I've always wondered about Flask. Looking forward to more.

3 months ago

I just finished building my first website with python and flask. I would love to see more content from you on the subject. I'm sure I've probably missed some things along the way that would have made it easier since I'm a beginner.

3 months ago

why flask instead of fastapi ?

3 months ago

flask is awesome✌

3 months ago

Yes, more from Flask.

3 months ago

Yeah, go for it! <3