
Introduction to Node JS and Rest APIs by Shubham Gupta for Beginners

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Node JS for Beginners

Node JS for Beginners

If you are new to web development, you may have heard about Node.js, but you may not be sure what it is or how it can be used. In this article, we will explore Node.js and how it can be used to create Rest APIs.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It uses the V8 JavaScript engine from Google Chrome and provides features for building server-side and networking applications. With Node.js, you can create dynamic and scalable web applications.

Getting Started with Node.js

To get started with Node.js, you will need to install it on your computer. You can download the installer from the official Node.js website and follow the installation instructions. Once installed, you can start using Node.js to build applications and Rest APIs.

Creating Rest APIs with Node.js

Rest APIs (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interfaces) are a set of rules and conventions for building and interacting with web services. With Node.js, you can easily create Rest APIs to handle HTTP requests and responses.

Here’s a simple example of creating a Rest API using Node.js:

            const express = require('express');
            const app = express();

            app.get('/api/users', (req, res) => {
                res.json({users: ['John', 'Jane', 'Doe']});

            app.listen(3000, () => {
                console.log('Server is running on port 3000');

In this example, we are using the Express framework to create a simple Rest API that returns a list of users when a GET request is made to the ‘/api/users’ endpoint. We then start the server and listen on port 3000 for incoming requests.


Node.js is a powerful tool for building server-side applications and Rest APIs. It allows you to use JavaScript on the server, which can streamline your development process and allow you to create more dynamic and scalable web applications. If you are new to Node.js, we hope this article has given you a better understanding of what it is and how you can get started with it.

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Shubham Gupta
7 months ago

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