Introduction to the Advanced Multi Step Form Vue.JS Challenge from – Part 1

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Multi Step Form Vue.JS Advanced Challenge – Part 1

Multi Step Form Vue.JS Advanced Challenge – Part 1 (Introduction) is a platform that provides various frontend challenges to help developers improve their skills. One of the advanced challenges on the platform is the Multi Step Form Vue.JS challenge.

This challenge is designed to test your skills in working with Vue.JS to create a multi-step form. The form should allow users to input information in multiple steps, with each step having its own set of fields and validation rules.

Throughout this series of articles, we will walk through the process of completing the Multi Step Form Vue.JS challenge. In Part 1, we will discuss the requirements of the challenge and set up our development environment.

Requirements of the Challenge

The Multi Step Form Vue.JS challenge requires us to create a multi-step form with the following features:

  • Multiple steps with different sets of fields
  • Validation of input fields in each step
  • Navigation between steps
  • Displaying a summary of the entered information at the end

The form should be visually appealing and responsive, and it should provide a smooth and intuitive user experience.

Setting Up Our Development Environment

Before we can start working on the challenge, we need to set up our development environment. We will be using Vue.JS, a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, to create the multi-step form.

To begin, make sure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your computer. You can download and install Node.js from the official website – Once Node.js is installed, npm will also be available on your system.

Next, we need to install Vue CLI (Command Line Interface), which is a tool for quickly scaffolding Vue.js projects. Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command to install Vue CLI globally on your system:

      npm install -g @vue/cli

Once Vue CLI is installed, we can create a new Vue project for the multi-step form challenge. Navigate to the directory where you want to create the project and run the following command:

      vue create multi-step-form

Follow the prompts to configure the project, and select the default settings for most options. Once the project is created, navigate to its directory and start the development server by running the following command:

      cd multi-step-form
      npm run serve

Your Vue project is now set up and running. You can access it in your web browser at http://localhost:8080. In the next part of this series, we will start building the multi-step form using Vue.JS components and data binding.