Investigations into Fake Electors Could Lead to Additional Criminal Charges for Trump

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Former President Donald Trump is once again facing potential legal troubles as investigations into fake electors in the 2020 presidential election heat up. With multiple states looking into the submission of false electoral votes on behalf of Trump, the possibility of additional criminal charges being filed against him looms large.

The investigations center around the actions of individuals who claimed to be official electors during the certification process of the Electoral College results. In several states, individuals purported to cast electoral votes on behalf of Trump, despite not being duly appointed as electors by the state’s governor or secretary of state. These false electors submitted documents to Congress in an attempt to overturn the election results in favor of Trump.

The submission of fake electoral votes is a serious offense, carrying potential legal ramifications for those involved. As the investigations into these actions continue, the focus is turning towards the individuals who organized and encouraged the submission of false elector documents. And at the center of these inquiries is none other than Donald Trump himself.

Legal experts have noted that Trump could be implicated in the investigations due to his rhetoric and actions leading up to the certification of the electoral votes. With his repeated claims of widespread election fraud and calls for his supporters to “stop the steal,” Trump may have played a role in encouraging individuals to unlawfully attempt to sway the election results in his favor.

Furthermore, the potential filing of criminal charges against Trump would be a significant development in the ongoing legal battles he faces. The former president is already under investigation for a variety of potential criminal offenses, including tax fraud, obstruction of justice, and even incitement of the January 6th Capitol insurrection.

If additional charges are brought against Trump in connection to the fake elector investigations, it could further complicate his legal standing and potentially lead to a more substantial prosecution. The potential consequences of facing criminal charges could be severe for Trump, with the possibility of significant fines, imprisonment, and further damage to his already tarnished reputation.

As the investigations into fake electors continue to unfold, the specter of additional legal troubles for Donald Trump looms large. With the possibility of facing criminal charges in connection to these actions, it appears that the former president’s legal woes are far from over. And as the wheels of justice continue to turn, the ultimate fate of Trump’s legal standing remains uncertain.

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6 months ago

Perhaps a Giuliani defense is that he cannot be considered to have been trumps lawyer: as he never got paid – not paid = not an employee

6 months ago

Yay Biden is going to be impeached

6 months ago

Let's go Brandon

6 months ago

The guy that owns this channel the guy talking is a paid Chinese operative

6 months ago

Trump will be president of the United States in 2024 maga

6 months ago

Run for office!!! You're more qualified than most of the GOP.

6 months ago

With your opinions, it must be hellish to live in Florida. Keep up the good work.

6 months ago

I appreciate your input.

6 months ago

trump is toast!

6 months ago

Lock him up

6 months ago

Will Ron Johnson get charged he tried to give Pence the fake electors slate from Wisconsin and Michigan obviously he was in on the schemed Coup attempt

6 months ago

More election interference from Trump and his cronies.
The irony that they accuse the Democrats, despite not being able to find a shred of evidence, of 'stealing' the election, would be hilarious if there weren't grownups who actually believe it, based on Trump's claims alone.

6 months ago


6 months ago

All I want for Christmas is Trump and members of Congress's and the senate be charged for the Coup plot. And locked them up and throw away the keys.

6 months ago

Great news

6 months ago

The trump fascist movement must be stopped

6 months ago


6 months ago

6 months ago

Did Trump win against Hillary ? Was it cooked,you know the man pays people,
to corrupt everything in his favor, he used his fundraising to steal and fund all
his evil plan to be King of America .He wants to be a total his best
friends Putin,and Kim who oppress their people..He will be Hitler..
He is already planning retaliation,I hope he will not execute the old
sick ,the disabled people,who knows what he will do with people of color and immigrants.
What about those who stand against his evil action.Are they going to face a firing squad.?
What about the Judges and Reporters who speak the truth about his evil deed.
The man must not be free in Society.The man is Dangerous.I'm sure his daughter can
let you know how she was treated as a young girl.

6 months ago

Apparently, getting into the Oval Office doesn't give you cheater golf mulligans when breaking the law. Just ask Nixon before Christianity took hold of the GOP, cheating, lying, the normal. It keeps their preachers rich.