Iraq Challenges Israel to Resume Fighting in Gaza, Threatens Devastating Consequences

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Iraq’s Deadly Dare For Israel; ‘Resume Fighting In Gaza, Face Devastating…’

As tensions continue to simmer in the Middle East, Iraq has issued a chilling warning to Israel: resume fighting in Gaza, and face devastating consequences.

The warning comes as Israel and Gaza-based militant groups have engaged in a series of violent clashes, resulting in the deaths of dozens of Palestinians and several Israeli citizens. The latest escalation in violence has prompted concerns of another full-blown conflict in the region, as both sides show no signs of backing down.

In response to the escalating violence, Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah, a powerful Iran-backed militia, has issued a warning to Israel, threatening to target the country in the event of a new conflict in Gaza. The group’s spokesperson, Abu Ali al-Askari, stated that “If the Zionist entity resumes its aggression against the Gaza Strip, the resistance factions in Iraq will restart military operations against the U.S. forces, and the Zionist entity will be the first to pay the price.”

The threat from Kataib Hezbollah is a significant development in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran-backed militias. Iraq has long been a battleground for Iran and Israel, with the two countries engaging in a shadow war that has escalated in recent years.

The warning from Kataib Hezbollah underscores the complex and volatile situation in the Middle East, where various regional powers are vying for influence and control. As the conflict in Gaza continues to escalate, the potential for further violence and instability in the region is a cause for concern.

The warning from Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of a new conflict in Gaza. The threat of retaliatory attacks against Israel from Iran-backed militias in Iraq adds another layer of complexity to an already volatile situation.

The international community must work to de-escalate the situation and prevent further bloodshed in the region. A continuation of the violence in Gaza could have devastating consequences, not only for the people directly affected by the conflict but also for the broader stability of the Middle East.

As the situation continues to evolve, it is crucial for all parties involved to exercise restraint and engage in meaningful dialogue to prevent further escalation. The international community must also play a proactive role in mediating the conflict and promoting a peaceful resolution.

The warning from Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah should serve as a wake-up call for the international community. The potential for further violence and instability in the Middle East is a cause for concern, and all efforts must be made to prevent a new conflict from erupting in Gaza. The stakes are high, and the consequences of further escalation could be devastating for the entire region.

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6 months ago

The Creator is not lifting a finger to end these wars on His kingdom He created for Jesus. Everyone sucks these days. 😮

6 months ago

Pump up the power support Palestine people all children 😎.say no to drugs

6 months ago

✊🇮🇱✊JOEL CHAPTER 3✊🇮🇱✊

6 months ago


6 months ago

Iraq still occupied by the U.S enter what lol

6 months ago

Hindustan times rocks with it's un biased coverage of international news, if you can do same thing for domestic news that will be real great

6 months ago

Israel doesn't want a regional conflict. The danger it being open season on Jews everywhere. The world could turn the tables around on them so they are forced to eat what they serve. Won't be good for anyone if this happens.

6 months ago

False land israhell crumbles down.

6 months ago

Israel is so aggressive that might lose too many lives😢

6 months ago

Thank God, so long Iraq will be more mercy full to the innocent little children than Israel owned US attack dog showed to Iraqi children(Madeleine Albright an Israeli in US congress) when asked about the over 500,000 Iraqi children starving to death after the war due to sanctions the West and Israel imposed on them stated "it was worth it" Greed is the worst task master. Israel was welcomed into Palestine, given land and food, but they want Palestine's gas discovered in 2000. The reason for the war in Ukraine started in order to weaken Russia. Destroyed million's of lives, in Ukraine the country in ruin's. Blackrock paid 1 trillion USD for "rebuilding" it. Zelensky & cronies wasted billion's on mansion's yachts all over the world, while their young men were slaughtered. Now even pregnant women and 64 year old grandmothers 71 year old grandfathers are dragged off to war. What's worse Zelensky's talking about children being trained from age 7?

6 months ago

Iraq hasn’t got a pot to piss in still recovering from American invasion

6 months ago

It seems the time that whole Muslims ☪️would being united

6 months ago

Iraq hey . They are still reeling from the US invasion. Isreal could account for them easily.

6 months ago

Thank God now Iraq is standing up for Palestinians in Gaza 🤲

6 months ago

Iraq has rights to defend itself