Is Angular Signals the End of RxJS? | Eduardo Roth | Angular Tiny Conf 2023

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Angular Signals: are we saying goodbye to RxJS? | Eduardo Roth | Angular Tiny Conf 2023

Angular Signals: are we saying goodbye to RxJS?

At the upcoming Angular Tiny Conf 2023, Eduardo Roth will be discussing the potential shift in the Angular community towards using Signals instead of RxJS. This is a hot topic in the Angular community, and many developers are eager to hear Roth’s insights on the matter.

Signals are a new approach to handling asynchronous events in Angular applications. They provide a more intuitive and streamlined way to manage complex data flows and state management. With Signals, developers can take advantage of the Observable and Subscriber patterns without the complexities of RxJS.

Roth will be exploring the potential benefits of Signals over RxJS, as well as any potential drawbacks. This shift could have significant implications for Angular developers, so it’s important to stay informed and be prepared for potential changes in the ecosystem.

As we await Roth’s presentation at Angular Tiny Conf 2023, it’s important for developers to stay up to date on the latest trends and developments in the Angular community. Whether Signals will indeed replace RxJS remains to be seen, but it’s certainly a topic worth discussing and keeping an eye on.

Stay tuned for more updates on Angular Signals and the potential impact on RxJS at Angular Tiny Conf 2023!

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Hans Schenker
7 months ago

I have choosen Angular in 2016 (Angular v2) because it has introduced Typescript and RxJs. Bringing these two technologies to the forefront on the web is the great merit of Angular. These two technologies are deeply rooted in science and will outlive any web framework!

Hans Schenker
7 months ago

I miss your explanation why RxJs should stay in Angular!

Thomas W.
7 months ago

I used to love angular. Then I realized what I really loved was rxjs and dependency injection. Angular dependency of rxjs was a key feature for me because of rxjs applicability outside of the angular ecosystem.