Is China being deceptive about a new virus once more? Vittert weighs in on the issue.

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Is China lying again about a new virus? That’s the question on the minds of many people as reports of a new outbreak in the country begin to emerge. Fox News’ Leland Vittert recently raised this concern on “On Balance,” and it’s a question that deserves serious consideration.

China’s history of dishonesty and cover-ups when it comes to public health crises is well-documented. The most notable example is their handling of the initial outbreak of COVID-19, which they downplayed and attempted to suppress for months, leading to a global pandemic that has claimed millions of lives.

Now, as reports of a new virus begin to surface in China, it’s natural for people to be skeptical of the information coming out of the country. Vittert highlighted that China’s lack of transparency and the government’s control over the flow of information make it difficult to trust the data they provide.

It’s important to approach this news with caution and skepticism. While it’s still early in the reporting of this new virus, it’s crucial to remember China’s track record and not take their word at face value. The potential implications of another outbreak originating in China are significant, and it’s essential to verify all information before drawing conclusions.

Vittert’s questioning of China’s honesty in this matter is a valuable reminder to take every public health threat seriously and to not take information from potentially unreliable sources at face value. It’s crucial to prioritize transparency and accuracy in reporting to ensure the safety and well-being of people everywhere.

In conclusion, the question of whether China is lying again about a new virus is a valid one. Given their history of dishonesty and cover-ups, it’s essential to approach this news with caution and skepticism. Vittert’s reminder to question the information coming out of China is a valuable one, and it’s a call to prioritize transparency and accuracy in handling public health crises.

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6 months ago

How do you REPORT an UNDIAGNOSED virus?????

6 months ago

China is a pandemonium on the Earth.

6 months ago

chinese virus 2.0

6 months ago

Trump was right

6 months ago

I wouldn't believe a word the communist Chinese say

6 months ago

Dangerous virus from China

6 months ago

Let's ask Dr. Science for the truth about this virus

6 months ago

Here we go again.

6 months ago

More joblessness coming 😮

6 months ago

W.H.O. Controlled by Bill Gates(Population Control!!)…

6 months ago

I’ve had a cough for like 4 weeks

6 months ago

The WHO and China play for the same team.

6 months ago

The media outbreak is more contagious than the disease itself.

6 months ago

My daughter caught it in Shanghai and still has pneumonia. I caught it as well. Cough for a couple of weeks that comes and goes. Cough worst at night. No fever or aches like the flu. Some headaches and chest congestion. Take care. Imagine it could hit the immune compromised hard.

6 months ago

Omg all of you in this comment section are acting like we didn't just go through a major pandemic. Millions of people died are they are like "won't be fooled again". I almost died from getting Covid-19 and developed pneumonia from it. Was in hospital for many days jerkoffs. I don't expect you guys to be smart, cuz you'll love MAGA, but damn have a little common sense.

6 months ago

How many flights are coming from China to US per day?

6 months ago

Hahahahaha…. 1st of all there was never a question about where Covid-19 came from. The problem with Trump saying it was because he didn't do anything to protect us from it. Then he suggested to inject bleach as a cure. At the same time he said at ever press conference that it was nothing and it would just magically go away. 2ndly the WHO was never to blame for China being deceptive on how it came to be which is still uncertain. Fact check what you are reading from your teleprompter 😂😂😂.

News Nation the most biased unbiased news channel. What a joke.

6 months ago

Karma beyotch!

6 months ago

Nice reporting. We should all shut off all trade and connections to china. Hi from Australia.

6 months ago

I wouldn't mind another lockdown, post covid, people got more mean aggressive.