
Is CREATE-REACT-APP obsolete? Check out the new React docs #shorts #coding #reactjs

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CREATE-REACT-APP is dead | New React docs

CREATE-REACT-APP is dead | New React docs

There has been a major development in the React community recently. It has been announced that CREATE-REACT-APP is no longer being maintained and is considered dead. Instead, a new set of React documentation, called New React docs, has been released. This news has caused quite a stir among developers, as CREATE-REACT-APP has been a popular tool for quickly setting up a new React project.

The decision to discontinue CREATE-REACT-APP comes as a surprise to many in the community. This tool has been widely used for its ease of use and simplicity in getting a new React project up and running. However, the React team has made it clear that they are shifting their focus towards a new set of documentation that will provide a more comprehensive and up-to-date resource for React developers.

While the news of CREATE-REACT-APP being dead may come as a shock to some, it is important to note that the new New React docs are intended to provide a more modern and robust set of resources for React developers. This shift in focus reflects the changing landscape of web development and the need for more comprehensive documentation and tools.

For React developers who have been relying on CREATE-REACT-APP, this announcement may mean having to adapt to a new set of tools and resources. However, many in the community see this as an opportunity to embrace the latest advancements in React and improve their development workflow.

In conclusion, the news of CREATE-REACT-APP being discontinued and the release of New React docs marks a significant shift in the React community. While this may require some adjustment for developers, it also presents an exciting opportunity to embrace the latest advancements in React and improve the overall development experience.