
Is Headless WordPress the Right Choice for Your Website?

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Headless WordPress – Should you use it?

Headless WordPress – Should you use it?

Headless WordPress has been gaining in popularity in recent years as a way to take advantage of the powerful content management capabilities of WordPress while also having the flexibility to use any front-end technology of your choice.

But is headless WordPress the right choice for your project? Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons.

Pros of using Headless WordPress

  • Flexibility: With headless WordPress, you can use any front-end technology, such as React, Angular, or Vue.js, to build your website, giving you the flexibility to create a highly customized and unique user experience.
  • Performance: By decoupling the front-end from the back-end, you can often achieve better performance as the front-end can be optimized for speed without being constrained by the limitations of WordPress themes and plugins.
  • Security: Headless WordPress can improve security by reducing the attack surface as the front-end is separate from the back-end, making it harder for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities in the CMS.

Cons of using Headless WordPress

  • Complexity: Using headless WordPress can add complexity to your project as it requires a separate front-end to be built and maintained, which may require additional expertise and resources.
  • Lack of built-in features: Traditional WordPress themes and plugins provide a wide range of built-in features for managing content, SEO, and more. With headless WordPress, you may need to build or find alternative solutions for these features.
  • Learning curve: If you’re not already familiar with the technologies required for a headless WordPress setup, such as REST API, GraphQL, and front-end frameworks, there can be a learning curve to get up to speed.


Headless WordPress can be a great choice for projects that require a highly customized front-end or demand high performance and security. However, it’s important to carefully consider the trade-offs, such as increased complexity and potential lack of built-in features, before deciding if headless WordPress is the right fit for your project.

Ultimately, the decision to use headless WordPress should be informed by the specific needs and goals of your project, as well as the available resources and expertise within your team.

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6 months ago

"if u come from the other side" 😂

6 months ago

I have built a few websites using Gatsby and WordPress for the backend. It was a steep learning curve and I didn’t realize how much is done for you with plugins in WP. I love the final product but I spent so many hours getting there it was frustrating. Great discussion and clear explanations guys! Thanks!

6 months ago

is headless wp better then shopify for e-commerce?