Is it still worth developing desktop applications with Electron?

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Is Desktop Development with Electron Still Worth It?

Is Desktop Development with Electron Still Worth It?

Electron, a framework created by GitHub, has been a popular choice for building cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, with the emergence of other technologies and frameworks, developers may be wondering if Electron is still a viable option for desktop development.

The Pros of Electron Development

One of the main advantages of using Electron is its ability to create desktop applications for multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This cross-platform compatibility allows developers to reach a wider audience without having to write separate code for each platform.

Additionally, Electron leverages web technologies, making it accessible to a large community of web developers. This means that developers can leverage their existing knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build desktop applications, reducing the learning curve for creating desktop apps.

The Cons of Electron Development

While there are many benefits to using Electron, there are also some drawbacks to consider. Electron-based applications can be resource-intensive, as they require both a web browser and Node.js runtime to run the application. This can lead to larger file sizes and slower performance compared to native applications.

Another issue with Electron is its dependency on web technologies, which can lead to security vulnerabilities if not handled properly. Developers must be mindful of potential security risks when using Electron for desktop development.

Is Electron Still Worth It?

Despite its drawbacks, Electron continues to be a popular choice for desktop development. Its cross-platform compatibility and familiar web technologies make it a compelling option for building desktop applications.

With the ongoing development and improvement of Electron, many of the performance and security concerns are being addressed, making it a more competitive choice for desktop development.


Ultimately, the decision to use Electron for desktop development depends on the specific needs and requirements of the project. While there may be some drawbacks to consider, Electron remains a viable option for creating cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies.

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4 months ago

I mean VS Code is built with it, right?