
Is Laravel a viable alternative to Next.js?

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Can we use Laravel as a Next.js alternative?

Can we use Laravel as a Next.js alternative?

Laravel and Next.js are both popular tools used for building web applications, but they have different strengths and purposes. Laravel is a PHP framework designed for backend development, while Next.js is a framework for building frontend applications using JavaScript.

However, it is possible to use Laravel as an alternative to Next.js for some applications. Laravel has a powerful templating engine and tools for building server-rendered applications, which can be used to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces similar to what Next.js offers.

One way to achieve similar functionality to Next.js with Laravel is to use server-side rendering (SSR) techniques. Laravel provides features like Blade templates and server-side rendering with Vue.js or React, which can be used to render dynamic content on the server and deliver a fully-rendered page to the client.

Additionally, Laravel has features for creating APIs and serving JSON data, which can be used for building client-side applications with Next.js. By combining Laravel’s backend capabilities with a frontend framework like Next.js, it is possible to create a full-stack web application that leverages the strengths of both tools.

While Laravel can be used as an alternative to Next.js for some applications, it is important to consider the specific requirements and constraints of the project. Next.js is optimized for building highly performant and interactive user interfaces, and may be a better choice for certain types of applications.

In conclusion, while Laravel and Next.js serve different purposes, it is possible to use Laravel as an alternative to Next.js for certain applications by leveraging its server-side rendering capabilities and combining it with frontend frameworks. Ultimately, the choice between Laravel and Next.js will depend on the specific needs and goals of the project.

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shubham sahu
7 months ago

Livewire and Laravel anytime best choice 😊

shubham sahu
7 months ago

Laravel and livewire protect me for writing complex js and handle everything individually, but laravel and livewire made it easy

7 months ago

can't orbit give you the filename for the key?

winston mhango
7 months ago

The problem is you need to be a php developer, then do laravel besides all these other things!…try to understand that Next.js is for developers with Javascript, React background. And it is simply a React framework, only that it now allows one to do both front-end and back-end without learning a back-end language, like php plus a framework like laravel!!

Haifeng Zhu
7 months ago

Which is more powerful, laravel or node.js?

Amaze Khashaa
7 months ago

Nextjs became cult man, I've tried to build an web then I felt deepest pain. Its changing continuously, not giving a hell of a break. I am on the way of searching new proper tool.

Stephane Gadzhev
7 months ago

The real question is can we use Next.js as an alternative to Laravel 😉

Andrés Gutiérrez
7 months ago

Hi, interesting video. One question. What happens with the volt component when the site is generated statically. How it works in production?

7 months ago

This is cool. I don’t want to learn any new frameworks atm so I can build a static site with this method. Wondering if I can use GitHub actions for the SSG and deploy it automatically to GitHub Pages. Love Laravel!

LZL0 _
7 months ago

These are two very different technologies. With NextJS you are giving up a complex backend for the sake of UX, with Laravel it's the opposite effect. Astro/Nuxt for Next and perhaps Nest for Laravel would be a better comparison. Props to you for doing these great tutorials tho. 🎉

Andrew S
7 months ago

Waste of time

Stefan Zweifel
7 months ago

Great stuff! This is exactly how I built my personal website.
Laravel + Orbit + Export package.

Haven't migrated to Folio yet, but it looks super easy to set up.

7 months ago

This video is on par with a Jeffrey Way Laracasts course, see you there soon 😊

Andrew Shoemaker
7 months ago

I might be the only one but I hate this. Why not just use Nuxt or Next which already have massive ecosystems.. Did Laravel just give up on trying to compete in the backend space? It seems like everything they have done the past few years is just to compete with JavaScript frameworks. But, in hindsight I guess competing with JS is easier than competing with something like GO..

7 months ago

Why would you want page based routing rather than explicit routing?

David ML
7 months ago

Laravel is so powerful, and gains power everyday ❤️

Huy Nguyen
7 months ago

Is Nuxtjs consider fullstack farmework like Nextjs i see Nuxt have the same sever side for API too ?

7 months ago

I watched the video in full and as an experienced laravel developer I am not sure that Laravel is a suitable solution for something as simple as a blog as this video somewhat shows how overwhelming it can be to build something as basic as a blog for beginners. Sure, someone experienced like me can easily watch this but I feel where Laravel truly shines is when you have a complex application where you need things like a mailing system, queuing system and cron jobs. I feel Laravel is a much better sell than NextJS when an application is forced to incorporate more complexity as the NextJS ecosystem is really fragmented.

Charles Seale
7 months ago

Speaking as a PHP Programmer with 23 years of experience, I can tell you that Laravel is nothing but a bloated sh!t show. I have done work for several Fortune 500 Companies, the last three being Delta, Comcast, and currently AT&T. Delta and Comcast strongly discourage using Laravel, and AT&T downright forbids it simply because plain PHP is much cleaner and resource friendly way to go. I've seen Vue and Laravel being promoted for use together. I've never understood this. I love working with Vue and the logical server-side language for it is Node. PHP without a frameworks like Laravel is a much cleaner way to go if PHP is what you wish to use. I just don't understand how something as bloated and complex as Laravel ever gained popularity to begin with. Learn to code properly and you won't have to depend on backend frameworks.

Shuvo Khan
7 months ago

Laravel is better solution