
Is Next JS 13 Server Actions Using PHP?

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Next JS 13 Server Actions

Next JS 13 Server Actions: The New Era of Server-side Rendering

Next JS 13 is rumored to bring significant improvements in server-side rendering capabilities, with its new Server Actions feature. However, there has been some confusion in the developer community about whether this new feature is really similar to PHP, or if it’s something entirely different. Let’s take a closer look at what Next JS 13 Server Actions are and how they compare to PHP.

What are Server Actions?

Server Actions in Next JS 13 allow developers to execute server-side logic directly within the framework, without the need for an additional server or backend technology. This means that complex server-side operations, such as fetching data from a database or performing calculations, can be carried out seamlessly within the Next JS environment.

Is it really PHP?

Some developers have compared Next JS 13 Server Actions to PHP, a popular server-side scripting language. While both PHP and Server Actions enable server-side logic, they are fundamentally different in terms of their implementation and use cases.

PHP is a standalone language that requires its own server environment to execute scripts. On the other hand, Server Actions in Next JS 13 are integrated directly into the framework, allowing for seamless server-side rendering without the need for a separate server setup. Additionally, Server Actions are built with the modern web development in mind, offering features such as automatic code splitting and optimized performance.

Benefits of Next JS 13 Server Actions

By leveraging Server Actions, developers can achieve faster and more efficient server-side rendering, resulting in improved page load times and overall user experience. Additionally, the seamless integration of server-side logic within the Next JS framework simplifies the development process and reduces the need for external dependencies.


While Next JS 13 Server Actions may share some similarities with PHP in terms of enabling server-side logic, they are fundamentally different in their implementation and focus. With its seamless integration and modern web development features, Server Actions in Next JS 13 offer a new era of server-side rendering that is tailored to the needs of modern web applications.

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6 months ago

thanks for the video. It seems the useTransition is not meant to be used in this manner? It is used to immediate execute the state update, not waiting for batch updates as react states nomally do. but you use it as a loading state.