Is Next.js Facing a Downfall?

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The Downfall of Next.js?

The Downfall of Next.js?

Next.js has been a popular framework for building web applications with React. However, in recent years, there has been some discussion about the potential downfall of Next.js.

Issues with Next.js

  • Performance: Some developers have reported performance issues with Next.js, particularly in larger applications.
  • Complexity: Next.js can be complex to set up and maintain, especially for beginners.
  • Lack of flexibility: Some developers feel constrained by the opinions and conventions enforced by Next.js.

Alternatives to Next.js

As developers seek alternatives to Next.js, other frameworks and libraries have gained popularity. Some of these alternatives include:

  • Vue.js: A popular framework for building web applications with a focus on simplicity and performance.
  • Svelte: A newer framework that prioritizes build-time optimizations and minimal runtime overhead.
  • Gatsby: A static site generator that combines React with GraphQL for fast and flexible websites.


While Next.js has been a popular choice for many developers, its downfall may be on the horizon due to performance issues, complexity, and lack of flexibility. As alternatives continue to gain traction, it will be interesting to see how the landscape of web development evolves.

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7 months ago

Downfall of Next.js way call it that if next.js is not on downfall next.js is getting beeter by the day with image otimazation, seo, and server components and may more… like i don't get it way you think that

7 months ago

I much prefer Remix to Nextjs as a framework, plus it's not practically tied to the Vercel trap.

7 months ago

Source: Trust me bro

7 months ago

people are moving from node to golang or bun, and you still recommending node

7 months ago

man, did you understand NEXTJS purpose at all ?

7 months ago

Dude with next you have type safety with typescript in backend and frontend and all the SEO stuff. Plain React isn't viable for public web apps at the moment.

7 months ago

I don't understand the purpose of this video, was it just you using other people's opinions on nextjs' app router? Did not hear a single objective thought on why next is heading towards a downfall, the app router is not that hard to understand and migrating is not as big a pain, I've migrated over to app router on several apps and it was such a breeze, but I guess controversy gets you clicks huh.

7 months ago

Node js is a runtime environment NOT A LIBRARY, a yes! Node, my favourite library

7 months ago

A framework is not defined to be full stack! It's simply a structure with architecture.

7 months ago

Have you heard of solito or react native web ?

7 months ago

IMHO, I think that Remixjs is also a good choice, just for simplicity (compared to Nextjs).