Is tf.image.resize in Tensorflow still not aligning corners?

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Tensorflow: Does tf.image.resize still not align corners?

Tensorflow: Does tf.image.resize still not align corners?

TensorFlow’s tf.image.resize function has been a topic of discussion for some time now, particularly in regards to its handling of corner alignment. Despite several updates to the library, it seems that this issue still persists.

When resizing an image using tf.image.resize, there have been reports of the corners not aligning as expected. This can result in a loss of image quality and accuracy, particularly in applications such as object detection and image recognition.

Many developers have voiced their concerns about this issue, with some even resorting to alternative methods or custom implementations to achieve the desired corner alignment during image resizing.

While TensorFlow continues to evolve and improve, it seems that the tf.image.resize function still has room for improvement in this area. It’s important for the TensorFlow team to address this issue and provide a solution that ensures proper corner alignment during image resizing.

For now, developers may need to consider alternative approaches or workarounds to achieve the desired result until this issue is resolved in a future update of TensorFlow.