Is the United States shifting its position on the Middle East conflict? | DW News

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The United States has long been a key player in the Middle East conflict, with a historically strong stance in support of Israel. However, recent developments suggest that the US may be shifting its stance on the issue.

President Joe Biden’s administration has taken a more balanced approach to the conflict, expressing concern for both Israeli security and Palestinian rights. This shift was evident when the US approved a $735 million sale of precision-guided weapons to Israel, despite pressure from progressive Democrats to halt the sale due to the ongoing violence in Gaza.

Additionally, the recent ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was brokered by the US, highlighting the Biden administration’s commitment to diplomatic solutions to the conflict. This is a departure from the previous administration, which largely sided with Israel and took a more hands-off approach to the conflict.

The Biden administration’s approach has garnered praise from some for its efforts to de-escalate tensions in the region and promote a more even-handed approach to the conflict. However, there are also concerns that the US could be at risk of alienating Israel, a key ally in the region.

Overall, it remains to be seen how the US will continue to navigate its stance on the Middle East conflict. While the Biden administration has shown a willingness to engage in diplomacy and address the root causes of the conflict, it is unclear how this will manifest in the long term. As the situation in the region continues to evolve, it will be crucial for the US to carefully consider its role and approach in order to promote lasting peace and stability in the Middle East.

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21 days ago

You're not going to change God's mind you're a mere human that has no power whatsoever but God does

21 days ago

I support Israel I am from the USA I saw what Hamas did October 7th nobody's going to tell me that Israel's the enemy people who try to tell other countries what to do my suggestion mind your own business and worry about what you're doing for your own country. The USA needs to change from the inside out because there's way too much evilness that lurks around the corner Israel has my support 100% and most importantly there is an Almighty all powerful above all God Called Jesus Christ and he loves Israel so people are in for a rude awakening especially the people that are unfortunately ignorant and has no clue to why they're even against Israel

21 days ago

20k kids > 100 hostages

21 days ago

All so the US can support the last colonial hobby farm in erasing Palestine. Blinken's double speak is disgraceful.

21 days ago

As an American, I take issue with your assessment of Trump. President Trump brokered the Abraham Accords to try to bring peace to the Middle East, and Russia had not invaded the Ukraine. Yet your commentators stated that if Trump returns to office, that would be the start of WWIII. The evidence I see here contradicts those inflammatory claims.

21 days ago

I know you have to pick a side, usually your side but I never thought the US would be seen to back governmental terrorism, ethnic cleansing and genocide.Calling for the Palestinians to return home when 160,000 Amerocan artillery shells have reduced Gaza to rubble. Shame on America. Now ffs sake, dont f-up Ukraine.

21 days ago


21 days ago

All people defend Palestine (the oppressed), and this appears in the comments, and this proves the fact that Israel is an enemy

21 days ago

I don't think any discussions will help.
The region is at a point where a misguided missile could result in retaliation that could kick off a region wide conflict within a matter of hours that will inevitably bleed beyond the Middle East.
The only way to mitigate the risk is for the conflict to stop, completely and totally. The US needs to withdraw support.. while they are at it stop all aid to Israel until they comply with the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT).

21 days ago

Ich hoffe, dass Gott, der Allmächtige, die Kranken in Deutschland heilen wird❤️💕

21 days ago

Letting the Arabs leave Palestine and Iran is their salvation! You see, European Arabs and American Arabs can express their opinions freely! They have the right to freedom of speech! The right to freedom of demonstration and protest! But these Arabs in Iran do not have the right to freedom of speech. !

21 days ago

Ich hoffe, dass Gott, der Allmächtige, mir den Pass für die Reise nach Deutschland gewährt Ich hoffe, dass Gott, der Allmächtige, die Menschen, die vor zwei Monaten in Deutschland ihr Leben verloren haben, bis morgen wieder zum Leben erweckt.❤️💕

21 days ago

The amount of delusion this guy has. It's worse than the hasbara representatives that Israel sends to speak about its genocide of gaza.

21 days ago

Home must be constricted,as responsible

21 days ago

Democrats have lost the presidency. That's gone. As horrendous as that reality is for American society, and the wider world, the State Department and Biden have brought this upon themselves.

21 days ago

Stop editing the comments

21 days ago

Who the president Biden or blink 1 time

21 days ago

Talk is cheap, US supports what is happening otherwise they'd stop giving weapons.

21 days ago

This is all planned America supported the war waited thousands death and now they will be the savior game for the elections so that Biden wins and Arabs sell more oil and cheaper boooommm

21 days ago

Hamas has a LOT of blood on their hands

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