Is the US Attempting to Draw Africa Away from China Through Trade Agreements? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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The United States is making moves to wean African countries away from China’s economic influence through a series of new trade deals. This comes as part of the US government’s efforts to counter China’s growing presence in the continent, which has sparked concerns about debt sustainability and geopolitical control.

The US has long been a major player in the African continent, but in recent years, China has emerged as a formidable competitor. Through its Belt and Road Initiative, China has invested heavily in African infrastructure projects and has become Africa’s largest trading partner. This has given China significant leverage in the region and has raised concerns about the potential for debt traps and economic dependency.

In response, the US is now pushing for new trade agreements with African countries, in a bid to offer them an alternative to China’s economic influence. One such agreement is the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which provides African countries with duty-free access to the US market. The US government is also exploring the possibility of a new trade deal with the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which would further strengthen economic ties between the US and Africa.

The US government’s efforts to wean African countries away from China are driven by strategic and economic considerations. From a strategic perspective, the US is aiming to counter China’s geopolitical influence in Africa and maintain its own influence in the region. Economically, the US is seeking to promote American businesses and create opportunities for American exporters in the African market.

However, the US faces challenges in its efforts to compete with China in Africa. China’s investments in African infrastructure projects have already established a strong foothold in the region, and African countries have become increasingly reliant on Chinese funding and expertise. It will not be easy for the US to reverse this trend and convince African countries to shift their allegiance.

Moreover, the US must also address concerns about its own trade and investment practices. African countries have criticized the US for imposing tariffs and trade barriers that have hindered their exports to the US market. In order to effectively compete with China, the US will need to demonstrate a genuine commitment to fair and mutually beneficial trade relations with African countries.

Overall, the US government’s efforts to wean African countries away from China’s economic influence through new trade deals represent a significant shift in its African policy. However, it remains to be seen whether these efforts will be successful in countering China’s growing presence in the continent. As the US and China continue to compete for influence in Africa, African countries will be the ones to decide which path to follow in their pursuit of economic development and prosperity. Anisa Virani

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6 months ago

The US wants control, while China means focus to invest in Africa. The US being in Africa is bad for Africa

6 months ago

When you told us of bamboo diplomacy may be this would love it here

6 months ago

US Trying to Wean Africa Away from China with Trade Deals?
The United States is working on fostering stronger ties with Africa through trade agreements, aiming to reduce dependence on China. Imagine if China were undertaking these efforts instead. This statement is intended to be an observation, not an expression of criticism.

6 months ago

No way she is lying , it is not true , africa in uganda we chased the USA democracy of men and men marraiges, evil ways ,no turning back ,we are with russia ,palkisharma is lying😊

6 months ago

US can not be trusted in whatever they do except it a white race they are dealing. They don't care about any other race

6 months ago

Usa and there projects in Africa are not to be trusted, why should they do it now after the chinese have chipped in. It's obviously they're after something

6 months ago

in vain

6 months ago

I would keep doing business with China now the US want to cooperate because they have competition 😂😂😂

6 months ago

Africa trade increased but Africa should not trade in USD

6 months ago

Africans have forgotten the evil effects of western colonization and slavery. Africans will not be fooled again by US Satan.

6 months ago

Interesting that this report presents a U.S. vs. China battle as a zero sum game.

6 months ago


6 months ago

I dont know who will not like to partner with the USA. They can enjoy stability and more the protection US offer.

6 months ago

US can do much more if it concentrated on infrastructure development instead of it's military adventures.

6 months ago

Africa countries just need stay neutral and play both sides and trade smart.

Africa countries need to learn from their past and trade with caution.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Latin America also needs this

6 months ago

Thanks to China otherwise Africa will not have a choice.

6 months ago

Too little. Too late.

6 months ago

US Trying to Wean China Away from Africa with Trade Deals?