Is there a better alternative to Express.js in 2024?

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Using Express.js in 2024 sucks! What’s the alternative?

Using Express.js in 2024 sucks! What’s the alternative?

Express.js has long been a popular framework for building web applications with Node.js. However, in 2024, there are several reasons why using Express.js may no longer be the best option for developers.

Reasons why using Express.js in 2024 sucks:

  • Overly complex syntax and boilerplate code
  • Lack of built-in support for modern features like HTTP/2 and HTTP/3
  • Lack of built-in support for WebSockets and real-time communication
  • Stagnant development and lack of updates

So, what’s the alternative to using Express.js in 2024?

The alternative: Nest.js

Nest.js is a progressive Node.js framework that offers a more modern and developer-friendly approach to building web applications. It provides a modular architecture, dependency injection, and an extensive ecosystem of plugins and modules. Nest.js also offers built-in support for modern features like HTTP/2, WebSockets, and real-time communication.

In addition, Nest.js has a strong community and active development, ensuring that it stays up to date with the latest web development trends and best practices.


While Express.js has been a popular choice for building web applications with Node.js, it may no longer be the best option in 2024. Developers looking for a more modern and developer-friendly alternative should consider using Nest.js for their web application projects.

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6 months ago

no mention of hono?

6 months ago

I'm moving to C# .NET

6 months ago

Hi how can I contact you

6 months ago

Hey man, thanks for insights. However, I couldn’t find any news related ExpressJS will be deprecated in 2024. Yes, we’re addicted to major changes and nonstop updates as JS developers (especially NextJS). But honestly, stability and slow development is not a bad thing at all especially for such simple concepts like Express JS. I’d appreciate if you could share where did you hear Express is going to be deprecated or development discountinued.

6 months ago

I am a flutter developer and have little knowledge of backend programming. So what would you suggest I learn for building rest apis for mobile applications. Golang or Node js or something else ?

6 months ago

man I wish that I have your interpreting level, good job mate

6 months ago

Good job bro keep working❤

6 months ago

Great video!