Is There a More Effective Method for Managing Vue Props?

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A Better Way To Handle Vue Props

A Better Way To Handle Vue Props

When it comes to handling props in Vue.js, there are some best practices that can help make your code cleaner and easier to maintain. Here are some tips for a better way to handle Vue props:

Use type checking for props

One way to ensure that your components are receiving the correct type of data is to use type checking for props. This can help prevent errors and make your code more robust.

Use default values for props

Another helpful practice is to set default values for your props. This can help ensure that your components work even if certain props are not provided by the parent component.

Use prop validation

Vue.js provides a way to define custom validators for your props. This can be useful for ensuring that the data passed to your components meets certain criteria.

Use v-bind shorthand for passing props

Instead of using v-bind to pass props to a child component, you can use the shorthand syntax :propName=”value”. This can help make your code more concise and easier to read.


By following these best practices for handling props in Vue.js, you can create more robust and maintainable code. Type checking, default values, prop validation, and shorthand syntax can all help improve the way you work with props in your Vue components.

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21 days ago

So, what about if you have two objects? I guess you can't use multiple v-binds but how would you handle that scenario?

21 days ago

I personally don't like to use the ["field"] accessor because it feels error-prone. What if I spell field wrong?

21 days ago

dude, just go with the defineprops macro

21 days ago

Very opinionated. To be hones I liked the first approach the most. Just :user="user" .

21 days ago

Great simple video!

21 days ago

Gained a subscriber out of me.
This was great. Never thought of doing this. Going to try to implement this next week at my job.

21 days ago

I must say i really think <UserCard :user="user"/> makes a lot more sense. I don't really see a case where this approach would be more useful. To me it seems like this approach just adds more code to maintain each time you want to use another value in the UserCard component.

21 days ago

Nice video, does this also work with passing additional props that are not in the User object? say any additional text. Can i then go v-bind="User" :text="myText" and just add the text prop to the defiineProps?

21 days ago

Why not use the whole User as a root prop for the child?
Somthing like "defineProps<User>()" and if I want to only use some fields of User (not the whole User) using built-in Pick or Omit would be helpful. In this scenario calling and passing the Component and the Component code would be as minimal as possible

21 days ago

Why don't you just define the User type within the UserCard component itself, instead of defining it somewhere else, and then importing it here? Collocate the types, it will achieve the same readability that you're looking for here.

21 days ago

If you destruscture the props, are you not losing the ref?

21 days ago

this is more likely a personal taste , there is no bad side passing an object via props so we dont have to define so many props inside child component , this takes less time . but I agree with you at readability point .

21 days ago

What about inheriting attributes in child component with this approach?

21 days ago

Nice tip. Thanks

21 days ago

I don't like this approach. Why would you do that?

21 days ago

Great video, thanks for sharing.

21 days ago

An interesting but controversial approach. What if we need to add another property later?

21 days ago

Nice video, but I'm not sure if this idea scales well with bigger objects with many props and some nested objects.

21 days ago

Good video

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