Israel Acquired Hamas Battle Plan Over a Year Ago, According to New York Times

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In a recent report from the New York Times, it has been revealed that Israel obtained a battle plan from the militant group, Hamas, more than a year ago. The plan, which was described as being “designed to start a war,” outlines various strategies and tactics for launching attacks against Israel.

According to the report, the battle plan was obtained by Israeli intelligence officials in early 2020 and detailed Hamas’ intentions to initiate a conflict with Israel. This revelation has sparked concerns about the potential for further escalation of violence between the two sides.

The timing of this report is particularly significant, as it comes just weeks after a deadly 11-day conflict between Israel and Hamas, which resulted in widespread destruction and loss of life in Gaza. The recent hostilities were the most intense since the 2014 war and underscore the ongoing tensions between the two sides.

The revelation of Hamas’ battle plan has prompted a renewed focus on the longstanding conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. It has also raised questions about the potential for future confrontations and the prospects for achieving a lasting peace in the region.

In response to the report, Israeli officials have emphasized the need for vigilance and readiness to defend against potential threats from Hamas. The Israeli military has also reiterated its commitment to ensuring the security of Israeli citizens and preventing any attacks from militant groups in Gaza.

At the same time, the report has also drawn attention to the plight of the Palestinian people in Gaza, who continue to suffer from the impact of the recent conflict. The widespread destruction of homes, infrastructure, and essential services has left many in desperate need of humanitarian assistance.

The international community has called for an immediate ceasefire and a renewal of efforts to address the root causes of the conflict. There have been calls for both sides to return to the negotiating table and work towards a comprehensive peace agreement that addresses the legitimate aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians.

The recent revelations about Hamas’ battle plan underscore the complexity and volatility of the situation in the region. It is a stark reminder of the urgent need for a concerted, multilateral effort to address the underlying grievances and bring about a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In the face of ongoing challenges, it is clear that all parties must redouble their efforts to prevent further escalation and work towards a peaceful and sustainable resolution to the conflict. The stakes could not be higher, and the international community must continue to engage with both Israel and the Palestinians to pursue a path towards lasting peace and security for all.

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6 months ago

Saying it was allowed to happen is as crazy and stupid as saying covid was a lab leak! Both Israeli and China governments would never lie about such serious matters! Hello people were not in the dark ages anymore. Wake up!

6 months ago

I can't believe these antisemitic people would imply it was allowed to happen! Cnbc should fire them immediately for even implying this.

6 months ago

They know what’s happening in Lebanon, they know what’s happened in Syria, they know what’s happening in Iran, they know about the Iranian plans in Yemen, but they are blind to what’s happening in Gaza. These are the stories people should be hearing yet these are the stories being buried. It’s a chess game and Israel plays it very well. They also play America very well.

6 months ago

Almost as if they wanted it to happen to give them an excuse to wipe out Gaza. 🤔

6 months ago

This is crazy israel sacrificed his own people in order to have an excuse to destroy Palestine

6 months ago

The 'guessing-game' must now focus on tomorrow and the best outcome.

6 months ago

Nyt is the least trust worty newspaper in the west 😂

6 months ago

That day the IDF sent their men to the West bank? Are you serious? Netunyahu wanted an excuse to ethnic cleanse Gaza.

6 months ago

If Medhi Hasan were still working for you, he would outline this news item better than any other reporter. Oh darn, guess you fired him. Shame.

6 months ago

Something Israel wrote out to get out of out of hot water. The world doesn't believe what Israeli /supporters say anymore.

6 months ago

bunch of liers

6 months ago

So you're saying Israel is more antisemitic than Hamas

6 months ago

Yes planned by Israel, The casualities and hostage numbers are exaggerated to justify the destroying of Gaza and finally annexation. This is going to back fire not immediately but after years.

6 months ago

Are we really going to pretend Netanyahu maybe didn't know? Even though letting this happen has given him plenty of traction for him to stay in power, to take more land in Gaza and displace more Palestinians?

6 months ago

Netanyahu and his band of psychopaths allowed 10-7 so he could avoid trial and a life in prison!

6 months ago

Not surprised, just surprised that people in the US are actually OK with talking about it. Waiting for you to be cancelled like Mehdi…

6 months ago

The Israelite citizens that were attacked, who shared their stories of the Hamas attack, many commented that when they notified Israeli authorities and military, they were puzzled why it took them up to 12 hours to help the attacked Israelites…
No answers to that on any news stations coverage on this yet..
Will those Israel citizens ever get those answers…?

6 months ago

Evil is on full display to the world now.

6 months ago

They knew and used this as an excuse for genocide, while telling lies about what actually happened to court support for the massacre of thousands of innocent Palestinians including thousands of children. Netanyahu is utterly unscrupulous. and concerned only about himself.

6 months ago

I don’t think this was a “policy failure” – I think the government of Israel allowed the attack to happen in order to have an excuse to destroy Hamas.