Israel releases 33 additional Palestinian prisoners according to truce agreement | BBC News

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Israel has released 33 more Palestinian prisoners as part of a truce agreement with Palestinian militant group Hamas. The move comes as part of a broader effort to de-escalate tensions between the two sides and pave the way for a more sustainable ceasefire in the region.

The prisoners were released in the early hours of the morning, with buses carrying the detainees leaving Israeli prisons and heading towards the West Bank and Gaza. Many of the released prisoners had been serving lengthy sentences for charges including participating in violent attacks against Israeli citizens.

The release of the prisoners has been received with mixed reactions from both Israelis and Palestinians. While some see it as a necessary step towards peace and reconciliation, others view it as a difficult and emotional decision, especially for the families of the victims of the attacks committed by the released prisoners.

The truce agreement, which was brokered by Egypt and other international mediators, calls for a halt to the recent violence that has erupted in the region, including rocket attacks from Gaza and airstrikes from Israel. The agreement also includes provisions for humanitarian aid to be provided to Gaza, as well as measures to improve the living conditions in the area.

The release of the prisoners is just one of the many steps that both sides will have to take in order to rebuild trust and create the foundations for a lasting peace. Both Israel and Hamas will also need to address the underlying causes of the conflict, such as the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and the ongoing blockade of Gaza, in order to achieve a meaningful and sustainable peace.

The international community has welcomed the release of the prisoners and the overall truce agreement, with many leaders expressing hope that it will lead to a more peaceful and stable future for the region. However, there are still significant challenges ahead, and it will be crucial for all parties involved to engage in honest and constructive dialogue in order to address the complex issues at the heart of the conflict.

As the released prisoners return to their families and communities, their freedom represents a small but important step towards building trust and fostering a spirit of reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. It is a reminder that, despite the deep-seated divisions and grievances that exist between the two sides, there is always room for hope and the possibility of a brighter future.

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6 months ago


6 months ago

thumbs down to you BBC YOU HATE THE ENGLISH

6 months ago


6 months ago

Показывают то что им выгодно. Вонючие западные сми. Ваши руки тоже в крови, вы соучастники этого геноцида. Запомним вас СМИ фашистов ( BBC и CNN)

6 months ago

It would be interesting to know, when there are so many 'teen' prisoners, how old they were when they were detained and imprisoned.

6 months ago

All the middle east experts in the comment section 😂

6 months ago


6 months ago

Palestinian prisoner wanted to stay in israeli jail.

6 months ago

Always ther zionist propaganda carried by british bullshit media, Why dont you show how Israel treated these hostages? They were beaten and gased and raped and abused whreas the israel prisoners were giving high fives to hamas guys and hugging them. Western media shtters are so embarassing with the zionist propaganda

6 months ago

Израил мы вас не любим тфуу

6 months ago


6 months ago

Stop broadcasting Israeli propaganda worldwide, BBC. Stop allowing these zionazis a platform to lie.

6 months ago

Netan yahu and baedan are dog

6 months ago

Hamas is a good insan and army of netan yahu is a zalim killer of falestini army of netan yahu is thief baedan also is helpar in killing of falestini

6 months ago

Sirf yorap or maghrib mein koe Banda mara jae to us ko shoo kerna baqi Kisi ko bhi ni chahie wo ghaza ho ya Afghanistan waghaira

6 months ago

BBC flap in ghaza war

6 months ago

Yes, Israel have freed Palestinian hostages, but also in this time have arrested another 300 without any charge or crime committed. I understand this would affect your new channel if you was honest and not biased and not under the Zionist payroll, complete cowards and hypocrites that’s what you are.

6 months ago

Interesting how in Israeli prison no hamas prisoners were killed or harmed, but so many hostages taken by hamas were murdered and tortured

6 months ago

BBC, you are responsible for the lies you tell, now that we are in an era of openness, your lies will only make the BBC's credibility decline further.

6 months ago

Whole world saw the hospitality of Hamas with Israel's hostages and another side we also saw the brutality of Israel on palestinian people
But No Hamas is terrorist and Israel has right to defend itself
What a propaganda by Western media 😢😢