Israeli army reports that Hamas has released 11 additional captives from Gaza

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In a rare move, Hamas, the militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, has released 11 more captives to the Israeli army, as part of an ongoing effort to improve relations and build trust between the two sides.

The release of the captives comes as a surprise to many, as tensions between Hamas and Israel have been high in recent years, with frequent clashes and tit-for-tat attacks. However, this latest move by Hamas is seen as a positive step towards creating a more peaceful and stable environment in the region.

The captives, all of whom are Israeli citizens, had been held by Hamas for varying lengths of time, with some being held for several years. Their release was coordinated by the International Committee of the Red Cross, which has been facilitating negotiations between parties.

The Israeli army has welcomed the release of the captives, with a spokesperson stating that it is a “positive gesture” from Hamas and a step in the right direction. The army has also expressed hope that this move will lead to further confidence-building measures between the two sides.

Hamas, for its part, has stated that the release of the captives is a goodwill gesture and a demonstration of its commitment to peaceful solutions. The group has been under pressure to show that it is willing to engage in diplomacy and to ease the suffering of those affected by the conflict.

The release of the captives comes amid ongoing talks between Hamas and Israel, mediated by Egypt and the United Nations. The talks have focused on a range of issues, including a prisoner exchange, a ceasefire agreement, and the reconstruction of Gaza following the devastating conflict in 2021.

While some are hopeful that this latest move by Hamas signals a willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue with Israel, others remain skeptical, pointing to the group’s history of violence and its avowed mission to destroy the state of Israel.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding the future of relations between Hamas and Israel, the release of the 11 captives is a significant development that offers a glimmer of hope for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict. It is a reminder that diplomatic efforts and confidence-building measures can, at the very least, help to alleviate the suffering of those affected by the conflict, and, at best, pave the way for a more stable and harmonious future for the region.

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6 months ago

Jgn2 ini gambaran petunjuk ALLAH bagi manusia teraniaya dgn menjaga ajaran ALLAH yg di wariskan para2 nabi dan Rosuul saaat menghadapi manusia yg bersekutu sama iblis dgn kekuatan urusan dunia dan kekuatan dgn menggunakan sihir nya setan meniru perilaku nya dan sifat2bnya setan saat di zolim kudu nerima meski nyawa jd taruhan nya krn tdk bs lagi berbuat apa2 terkecuali bergantung sama janji nya ALLAH ketika lagi di aniyaya dgn kondisi sabar biar bnr2 jd manusia yg beriman an pada ALLAH SWT seperti nya itu yg terjadi pd jaman skrg sampe menjelang tanda2 nya hr kiamat nanti…
Intinya jaman skrg menuju tanda2 akhir jaman karakter manusia jahiliyah yg amat zolim cara melakukan kejahatan nya dan ke usilan nya ud menggunakan sihir2 nya yg di pake sama israel … Itu nyata lhoooo… Krn israel itu ud menggunakan senjata canggih nya beda sama jaman dulu sampe jaman sejarah nya nabi dulu senjata blm gitu canggih kaya skrg… Bisa di bilang klo mau jd Sekutu nya iblis hudu hebat dgn kesombongan tinggi levelnya itu memakai pakaian nya milik ALLAH SWT dlm urusan Dunia dulu dan pasti nya hrs berilmu tinggi dulu kaya israel 😂😂😂😂 yg meskipun keliatan lebih mudah nya jika mau jd Sekutu nya setan gampang bgt belajar sihir nya setan ga harus kaya harta atau hebatt dlm ilmu Dunia.. Cukup bermodal kan usil dgn perkataan fitnah u menciptakan adu domba ahli dlm urusan gibaaaah in org mula nyaaa cerdik dan pintar dlm hal nguuuping kehidupan manusia yg ud jd bahan fitnah seperti hal mirip kaya jaman nya nabi sulaiman di mana setan ahli dlm nguping rahasia nya ALLAH di lapisan langit2 agar manusia bs mudah nya belajar sihir nya setan 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 … Baru deh itu hal yg nyata merasakan yg nama nya indah nya surga dunia yg nyata nya di surga akhirat hal kaya g ada 😂😂😂😂 bagi golongan manusia model gitu hidup itu cuma sekali sia2 laaaaah jika g belajar sifat sifat nya setan dan iblis… 😂😂😂😂😂

6 months ago

Dear Europeans, it is the Jews who have enslaved you, not Palestine.

6 months ago

Europe should make a gesture of goodwill: Some countries of Europe will lose from 5 to 15% of their territory in favor of Catalonia, will lose from 5 to 15% of their territory in favor of Catalonia, the Basque Country, Galicia, Corsica, Brittany, Kurdistan, Crimean Tataria, Abkhazia. It would be good if Ukraine recognized the Crimean Tatar state in 1991. Some Ukrainian politicians talked about the possibility of secession of the Crimean Tatar state from Ukraine, and this idea was quite calmly accepted in Ukraine.Then there would be no problem. Russians cannot be separated: they are everywhere, both in Kharkiv and Lviv. Some Russians separated by simply moving to the Ryazan region, where their grandfathers are from. If Spain separates Catalonia, the Basque Country, Galicia, it will only be better off. Then you can say to the Arabs: release less than 15% of the Arab territory in favor of Jews and Kurds, settle the Palestinian Arabs in different Arab countries. The Arabs have a huge territory and they can place the Palestinian Arabs on it, away from the Bible land. Who should be accommodated and provided with work and wages. It needs a lot of money. The money should be given by America, Europe, as well as Arabia and the Emirates, which have a large profit from oil thanks to Western technologies and Western buyers, and the rich Jewish diaspora. But the Arabs should not be given money, but already ready infrastructure for their accommodation and support. Arab conquests left Arabia, so Arabia bears its share of historical responsibility for the problems of the Middle East.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Kisy begunah ko mat marna I Request you plz

6 months ago

Innocent civilians kidnapped from their homes traded 1 to 3 for Palestinians attempting murder on depraved stabbing sprees is unconscionable. Any surprise Al jazeera doesn't mention this glaring fact? Sympathy for terror is your way of operating. Al jazeera is drek

6 months ago

I think the JEWISH people need to man up and stand up to their government for the innocent blood lost in Palestine, 1. The whole world is watching these barbaric pictures of innocent murdered. Don't get me wrong, it was also horrific what happened on the 7th, I think we all know now WHY sadly. Time we had peace and two states. No way will the world let Isreal take and goven over these people EVER EVER AGAIN. The Israeli government is stopping these hostages from coming home, by NOT CEASE FIRE SIMPLE, THEY DO NOT WANT PEACE, THEY WANT TO CONTINUE TO CONTROL THESE PEOPLE, OR HAVE LAND ALL TO THEMSELVES. THAT'S PURE GREED AND EVIL. It is time now for the true and good honest Jewish people, whom my grandparents died for and would again to free, STAND UP FOR THE OPPRESSION OF THE PALASTIAN INNOCENT BEING MURDERED. NOW ID YOUR TIME TO MAKE THE STAND FOR THOSE UNABLE TOO. Well, we shall see who is the true human and god-fearing people. PEACE FOR BOTH SIDES.

6 months ago

I was just watching film one of the young men released today by the Israelis, surrounding by chanting pro Hamas supporters and wearing the ubiquitous green head band again. Quite the difference.

6 months ago

Zionist are real terorist, invaders, war criminals, big liar, anti humanity because comitting genocide against the palestinian people and zionist are big liar and western media is more on the side of zionist propaganda lies. zionist are fake jews ( no semitism ).

6 months ago

Jews are not trust worthy
They are belligerent. They will not stop war.
Prepair for next resistance fight till the end.

6 months ago

The separation of a month is nothing compared to the separation of years. Hostages entered as children and left as young men. Their childhood was stolen.😢

6 months ago

You freaking slow news jock report that Isreal did not completely follow Hamas Terrorist Orders! 😮 the freaking Aid Trucks were sent in there you saw them!
Since the release of the 3rd batch of Palestinians who were in Isreal prisions for Their Acts of terrorism on Isreali civilians and soldiers as i understood it… Gazans I should call them There's no country or no state named Palestine! 😮
There is an absolut disregard right now for what is right.

6 months ago

Its a disgrace that your outlet isn't putting moreemphasis on the Israeli goverment's recent commentsabout the release of the palestinians. They were toldtht celebrating the release of their children wouldcause them to be considered terrorists. Practicallynone of the people released were charged. Can youimagine weaponising these peoples grief like this?

Make some serious comparisons between the releasefootage of hostages on both sides and restore some

of your integrity.

6 months ago

Free Palestine 🇵🇸

6 months ago

Dear YouTube users…the YouTube company is biased with Israel. Boycott YouTube in all the Islamic and Arab world.

6 months ago

On each of the days of the temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas that started Friday, as the Palestinian terror group released a small daily group of hostages — among the total of some 240 it kidnapped during its murderous onslaught on October 7 — it has also issued propaganda footage of the abductees smiling and waving goodbye to the captors who have held them for some 50 days.

The clips appear to be an attempt by Hamas to show the world it has been and is treating the hostages humanely. Some pro-Palestinian activists have been using them to try and make that point, but many others have ridiculed this message, pointing out that the gestures were clearly demanded by the captors and made under duress.

6 months ago

So why couldn't a satillite watch every exact moment of these guys . Wouldnt the US know where there driving to and from . How does a few militants and hostages pull up in a van from a tunnel. Something isn't right here

6 months ago

granted i know english isnt your first language but we call them HOSTAGES not "captives" as they the innocents were taken from israel by TERRORISTS

6 months ago

Apartheid itching hard after seeing hostages were in good condition, while Palestinian civilians in apartheid prisons have suffered alot, truth will come out no matter how hard they try to hide it.

6 months ago

The cause nd foundation of the problem is Italy nd France Paris, America, Napolitano, Napoli, Taranto, Torino, Sardegna, Rome! (?) ((!??!